[DBTech] DragonByte Credits

[DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid] 5.0.3

No permission to buy ($14.95)
Hey Fillip, thanks for the response!

1. Almost all events have the ability for you to choose which usergroups can be affected by the event. If a user is not a member of any group that is permitted to utilise the event, then it does not fire.

Is there a way to completely & entirely hide the add-on though based on usergroup? This would be useful for me in testing / exploring the system without impacting users - & then when I feel comfortable with the system & release it for general use on the site I'd prefer to release it to a subset of our users. Those not affected by it would not benefit from viewing the system & I'd prefer it not visible to them.
Is there a way to completely & entirely hide the add-on though based on usergroup?
You should look into the per-currency settings as well as the regular XenForo usergroup settings for this, I believe there should be settings to set currencies to "private" which only select usergroups can view.

If a user donates to another user who's not in one of the usergroups selected in the Donate Event, the currency integrity is compromised. The user donating has the donation amount deducted from their currency & receives an alert stating that they donated to user x. User x does not receive any currency or notification - the currency is removed from the system & the integrity of the currency is compromised.

This displays in the transaction log as Event Donate.

I believe this is a bug. If a user is unable to donate to another user, they should receive an error message on attempt stating so.
If a user donates to another user who's not in one of the usergroups selected in the Donate Event, the currency integrity is compromised.
At the moment the system is designed to implement the donation in two separate events, which is why this happens. That being said, this is obviously not user friendly so I will be looking into changing this for a future version.

Thanks :)

A couple questions:

Do you have a lite version of this Add-on as well as the Shop add-on. I really want to purchase these, but I want to make sure there are no conflicts with any of the essential add-ons I have installed.
Also, does this one and the shop have integration with the trophies. For example, can you set it so a trophy will be awarded if you have saved up a certain amount of credits, or could you put a trophy up on the shop?

Thanks in advance
Do you have a lite version of this Add-on as well as the Shop add-on. I really want to purchase these, but I want to make sure there are no conflicts with any of the essential add-ons I have installed.
No Lite versions unfortunately, although I would be happy to work with you to resolve any conflicts should you have any :)

Also, does this one and the shop have integration with the trophies. For example, can you set it so a trophy will be awarded if you have saved up a certain amount of credits, or could you put a trophy up on the shop?
You can't sell trophies unfortunately, here's a screenshot of the trophy criteria as they exist now: https://i.imgur.com/wKNWFag.png :)

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Okay, so it looks like there are some errors already since I've installed the plugins

Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_MasterBadge_Route_Prefix_Members - library/XenForo/Application.php(528) : eval()'d code:1
Generated By: Unknown Account, 2 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(71) "http://www.nintybuzz.com/2015/01/14/xenoblade-chronicles-x-coming-2015/"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
XenForo_Exception: Argument 2 passed to DBTech_Credits_Action_Currency::_getEvents() must be of the type array, boolean given, called in /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/DBTech/Credits/Action/Currency.php on line 28 and defined - library/DBTech/Credits/Application/Core.php:393
Generated By: Unknown Account, 2 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/DBTech/Credits/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Credits.php(24): DBTech_Credits_Application_Core->runAction()
#1 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): DBTech_Credits_XenForo_ControllerPublic_Credits->actionIndex()
#2 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#3 /home1/nintybuzz/public_html/forum/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#4 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(74) "http://www.nintybuzz.com/forum/dbtech-credits/zenny.1/currency?userid=3726"
["_GET"] => array(3) {
["userid"] => string(4) "3726"
["do"] => string(8) "currency"
["id"] => int(1)
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_MasterBadge_Route_Prefix_Members - library/XenForo/Application.php(528) : eval()'d code:1
Generated By: Unknown Account, 1 minute ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(41) "http://www.nintybuzz.com/tag/mario-party/"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
I'll be looking into those issues @ your site throughout the day. The two addon conflict issues may be a result of a problem with that mod, but we'll see :)

To update everyone who may be reading this, there's an incompatibility between DBTech mods and the XenWord addon. I've posted a request for LPH to merge my one-line fix into their product, which hopefully goes through smoothly.

If anyone else is affected by this issue, or is currently running XenWord, instructions for a very simple file edit that can resolve the issue can be found here: XenWord [Paid]
I tried my best to resolve this issue purely on my end so I didn't have to trouble LPH for a fix, but I couldn't :(

To be absolutely clear: I am not saying that LPH is doing anything wrong, not in any way. While I've not used their work myself, it's quite the technical feat to integrate WP and XF considering how vastly different they are, so I can definitely recommend at least checking out XenWord if running both WP and XF is something that interests you :)

A few (maybe pre-sales) questions:
  • is it supporting [bd] Zarinpal (which is using [bd] paygates). If not, will this support them? (this is main question. Because without it we are unable to use this add-on at all)
  • is it possible (like [bd] banking add-on) to set a value for any attachment and users be forced to have that amount of credit to download that attachment?
  • You support Sportbook add-on (do you have plan to also support AMS and SC and UBS?)
  • Can users transfer credit to each other?
  • Can we set a Fee for credit transfer and users be able to check if they will pay the fee or transfee should pay it? (like [bd] banking)
  • Is there any importer for [bd] banking?
The reason why I named some other add-ons is that we currently use them as Wallet system and payment system in our site.

is it supporting [bd] Zarinpal (which is using [bd] paygates). If not, will this support them? (this is main question. Because without it we are unable to use this add-on at all)
Not at this time, I was not aware this product existed. I will investigate how easy it would be to implement support for this product, but I cannot guarantee when that will be unfortunately :(

is it possible (like [bd] banking add-on) to set a value for any attachment and users be forced to have that amount of credit to download that attachment
That is supported, yeah :) I'm not 100% sure about in-line image attachments, but we hook into the standard "download attachment" code XF uses and I tested it with non-image files, so if you're using it to share zip files or similar then it does work for that purpose :)

You support Sportbook add-on (do you have plan to also support AMS and SC and UBS?)
Sorry, I have no idea what any of those shortenings mean. Can you elaborate please?

Can users transfer credit to each other?
They can, if you set up a Donate event :)

Can we set a Fee for credit transfer and users be able to check if they will pay the fee or transfee should pay it? (like [bd] banking)
Most events support a "tax" on transactions.

Is there any importer for [bd] banking?
Not at this time, I want to focus on adding required functionality before creating importers.

If you want to play with this mod without purchasing it, you can use our Demo Boards feature here: https://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/info/xfdemo/ :)

Not at this time, I was not aware this product existed. I will investigate how easy it would be to implement support for this product, but I cannot guarantee when that will be unfortunately :(
Its easy. His developer mostly developed his add-ons developer friendly. And after a few days or weeks that I asked from other developers, they added support of it to their add-ons. Hope you add it, so that we also be able to use it (We = everyone in our country. Not just me)

That is supported, yeah :) I'm not 100% sure about in-line image attachments, but we hook into the standard "download attachment" code XF uses and I tested it with non-image files, so if you're using it to share zip files or similar then it does work for that purpose :)
Thanks. Perfect. I also mean non-image attachments. For now, those are important.

Sorry, I have no idea what any of those shortenings mean. Can you elaborate please?
Those are other add-ons of @Bob
SC = Showcase
AMS = Article Management System
(and forget about the other one for now. Its private yet. When became public, I'll update this thread again, maybe as a customer then ;) )
Hello @DragonByte Tech

I have a doubt, I can set points for people to have accessibility to a particular category of the forum?

People can buy credits?
I might be able to help. When creating the vent to reward users for earning points by posting, you can set it so that they earn it throughout the entire forum, or you can select specific forums where you can only earn credits from that even there. You can also create more of those events to give more credits in different sections if you wish.

And there are also events where users can purchase credits using real money. Here's an example of how I've set mine up (my forum currency is called Melons):
Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 12.29.09.webp

Hope I was able to help :)
I might be able to help. When creating the vent to reward users for earning points by posting, you can set it so that they earn it throughout the entire forum, or you can select specific forums where you can only earn credits from that even there. You can also create more of those events to give more credits in different sections if you wish.

And there are also events where users can purchase credits using real money. Here's an example of how I've set mine up (my forum currency is called Melons):
View attachment 138555

Hope I was able to help :)

it cool, but you can set up for people to spend points?

For example, in your forum you have a category where costs 500 melons each topic, if someone wants to create a new topic must have 500 melons, or buy 500 melons, works well?

Sorry for the questions I'm New Here.
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