Current Litigation

There have been some excellent posts recently and Floris is right about evidence, we don't seem to have seen ANY yet, just claims.

What they need to do now is come up with the evidence to back-up those claims otherwise the action(s) will not move forward, just how the hell are they going to come up with evidence for most, if not all, of those claims, when most, if not all, seem totally detached from any reality known to man?

EDIT: And thinking about it, if I were in the shoes of the various managers at IB right now, I would actually be crapping myself and losing sleep over how the hell I could come up with evidence to support such wild claims.

Whereas I can't help thinking Kier, Mike & Ashley are fairly relaxed about it all, despite it being constantly in the back of their minds, because they know IB can't.

That is in my opinion part of the problem. An IPO company recently receiving 640 million dollar won't lose any sleep over losing 500k or 5 million in a law suit. It comes out of the company. Bob Brisco will enjoy his life as ever.

Which is why in my opinion I find it unfair business to attack competitors joining the market in this manner, rather than actually believing in your product and the customers buying it - As Jelsoft has always done.
That is in my opinion part of the problem. An IPO company recently receiving 640 million dollar won't lose any sleep over losing 500k or 5 million in a law suit. It comes out of the company. Bob Brisco will enjoy his life as ever.

I am sure Bob will not lose any sleep, I was thinking more of the managers under him that have actually come up with the claims and now need to justify them. ;)
Just noticed, that IB removed the paragraph about Kier soliciting Scott Molinari to join him from the FAC.
He probably let IB know that he wasn't there during all of this or something like that as his focus was 100% vB-germany, or that he doesn't have an interest in being a witness on their behalf?

If I see him on IM, I might give him a poke and ask.

Has anybody spoken with Ray Morgan or Fabian lately?
Just noticed, that IB removed the paragraph about Kier soliciting Scott Molinari to join him from the FAC.

Blink #1 and counting...
Yet who do they accept credit card payments from? American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover... :rolleyes:

I'm not 100% sure about this, but I don't think Visa knows who the customer is going to be when someone pays through PayPal or Moneybookers. All they see is "PayPal" or "Moneybookers". This later being a UK firm, so a US ruling should not affect them. (Again, I'm not 100% sure about Visa's role in these cases.)
I'm not 100% sure about this, but I don't think Visa knows who the customer is going to be when someone pays through PayPal or Moneybookers. All they see is "PayPal" or "Moneybookers". This later being a UK firm, so a US ruling should not affect them. (Again, I'm not 100% sure about Visa's role in these cases.)

*cough* Julian Assange *cough*
Dynamic Network
Swiss Bank Post Finance
Bank of America
CommerzBank Germany

And many others have discontinued their services to them.

Not just PayPal.
So what guys, like Michael said, don't paint a worst case scenario because this case might in fact go on for years before there is any resolution.
In a note to lighten the mood a bit I will reveal a dream I had (which I don't have many anymore and is only relevant here at these forums as you will see if you choose to read this) and basically sum it up as a not-so-probable hypothetical sentence...

How funny would it be if Kier and Mike show up to court with the whole exploded architecture of XenForo on a laptop-->projector and explain how it is nothing like vB by giving them an in depth tutorial to fully illustrate the blatant differences of the two running side by side.

That, I would pay to watch...seriously.
How funny would it be if Kier and Mike show up to court with the whole exploded architecture of XenForo on a laptop-->projector and explain how it is nothing like vB by giving them an in depth tutorial to fully illustrate the blatant differences of the two running side by side.
Short PowerPoint presentation
Slide 1. This is XenForo. (examples of XF coding)
Slide 2. This is XenForo on drugs. (examples of vB4 coding)
Slide 3. Any questions?
Short PowerPoint presentation
Slide 1. This is XenForo. (examples of XF coding)
Slide 2. This is XenForo on drugs. (examples of vB4 coding)
Slide 3. Any questions?

Given the lack of any similarity between the code, slide 2 wouldn't exist.

What some people who are actually technical could possibly be more likely to believe/see would be :

Slide 1. This is XenForo - examples of XF code & architecture
Slide 2. This is vB4 - examples of vB3 code - wearing some mascara and a pretty hat with a selection handbag accessories
Slide 3. Any actual evidence?
Dynamic Network
Swiss Bank Post Finance
Bank of America
CommerzBank Germany

And many others have discontinued their services to them.

Not just PayPal.

Note the bolded text. EasyDNS NEVER did anything towards wikileaks, in fact they offered TO HOST the site on canadian servers, the company that turned off wikileaks was everydns, and then easydns offered to freely host them.

So well top sites are hating on easydns, they have been supportive of wikileaks.
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