Current Litigation

............. They think that because it took them 8 years to get to floor 38, no-one can possibly design & build above floor 4 in a year, they assume he must have copied blue prints from their building and used them as a basis to start Skyscraper B.........

It's worth noting, they didn't build the skyscraper over the 8 years. They turned up and bought it once the thing was built. While they may own a few, they were not a skyscraper building company of 8 years.

Changing the paint job and putting in new curtains and claiming an all new revolutionary skyscraper - blue sky - out of the box - forward thinking - thought leader driven - concept ........ is not a new skyscraper . Now while that might work in the majority of the marketing world and on the majority of the people ......... the bones of this sky scraper are there for all to see for what they are.

I've ridden in lots of - and flown a few - planes before. In a parallel universe I could have enough money to buy Airbus ............. though I have no clue how to build planes (though I have a little knowledge, so am likely more dangerous if I think I can do it).

And when the near entire team of expert decision makers, designers and builders leave ........ well who knows what kind of planes I'd build, none I'd like to fly in that is for sure.
The only thing that keeps coming to my mind can the plaintiffs sleep at night.

I GOT IT. It's like this. put 5 criminals in a holding cell...the one who goes to sleep first is your criminal. The innocent ones have to stay up and wonder why.
It depends. The judge could be drafting a longer memorandum/order. That would pretty much be the big factor. (Or, I suppose someone could make a mistake, forget to file, or just take a long time to get the work done). Filing itself is nearly instantaneous. I have seen orders issued in less than ten minutes from a courts ruling.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, there is a difference between what is sent out to the parties via ECF system and what makes its way to PACER. Sometimes the courts have rules on release of filings to the public that can take longer than the near instant filings sent via e-mail to the parties. Depends on how the court administers its e-filing program.
I have heard anywhere from 12 - 48 hours.
Or more.
It depends. The judge could be drafting a longer memorandum/order. That would pretty much be the big factor. (Or, I suppose someone could make a mistake, forget to file, or just take a long time to get the work done). Filing itself is nearly instantaneous. I have seen orders issued in less than ten minutes from a courts ruling.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, there is a difference between what is sent out to the parties via ECF system and what makes its way to PACER. Sometimes the courts have rules on release of filings to the public that can take longer than the near instant filings sent via e-mail to the parties. Depends on how the court administers its e-filing program.

Thanks :)
Question to xenforo team: What are your predictions for the future now that the motions were dismissed ?

There is a process that is followed, that bit is fairly standard.

Trying to get a party in current litigation to guess or talking about any hypothetical outcome (either way) I don't think is positive. I don't think it can serve a purpose to ask the team to comment about the future - information is forthcoming when it is available and suitable to be released it seems.
but Kier, what do you think will happen? something must be in your head, would you like to share it with us?
as a potential customer or a current customer such information is somewhat important. put yourself in our shoes (i know you won't like it :p ) and you'll understand
All this talk of age vs. technical issues make me feel put upon. I'll be 60 this week, have a fresh master's degree in a technical field, and have been asked to accept a fellowship for more advanced study. Age doesn't nececelery preclude a technical understanding.

Jeff ;)
All this talk of age vs. technical issues make me feel put upon. I'll be 60 this week, have a fresh master's degree in a technical field, and have been asked to accept a fellowship for more advanced study. Age doesn't nececelery necessarily preclude a technical understanding.

Jeff ;)
Not unless you let it.
but Kier, what do you think will happen? something must be in your head, would you like to share it with us?
as a potential customer or a current customer such information is somewhat important. put yourself in our shoes (i know you won't like it :p ) and you'll understand

I know where you're coming from, but you can't really expect an answer right? I don't care how much of a Green Bay fan you are and how much you were spending to travel the Superbowl, the coach isn't going to post his game book because the other team would get it.

We all have to understand there are some things Kier can't say publicly as much as I image he may want to do so.
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