Congratulations Chris Deeming and XenForo

Well, this was quite surprising, honestly. I got online 31 minutes ago at 7:14 AM and browsed KH-Vids first (since I browse tabs left to the right) and then clicked on the XenForo tab to see lots of staff online. At first it didn't catch my eye, but about a second later I noticed Chris there! :eek:

Congratulations, my good friend!
I just saw the email and headed straight right here to confirm the news...

Congrats @Chris D . And this confirms XF is poised to expand its portfolio quickly.... and the CMS is just a matter of time.
I think this is good news. Still a bit shocked, to be honest! Congrats Chris, and a question.... does this mean you're going to be working on the core Xenforo for 2.0 too?
I think this is good news. Still a bit shocked, to be honest! Congrats Chris, and a question.... does this mean you're going to be working on the core Xenforo for 2.0 too?
Chris has already confirmed he's working on ALL XenForo related products and versions.
Personally I can’t think of a better person for the job.
cant wait to see more of magic add-ons from Chris.
Nofications add-on has improved my forum sales significantly. Thank you Chris
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Yeah live update, social connect, and friend inviter (included through registration pages like other network building software). I hope they listen that's all.
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