Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
I don't see how can that be better than the current implementation. If the notice will display inside the messages, users won't be able to see them.
I am using this addon on my main forum and it worked out excellent however with this theme in particular (Flat Awesome) - I am getting some CSS issues:


Any way this can be fixed?
What permission controls the sound settings?
Some of my members cannot turn on sound. I see no permission for this.
just added a light theme that uses #000 for the links but I also have to use a dark bg for the @content_container since the members also use the dark theme where links are orange. How can I target the url links within the chat window on the light theme?
Hello @Siropu,

If you have censored words in Options > Censoring, then these censor correctly in the chat.

But the words are not censored for Desktop Notifications.

It's a small issue but would be nice to address if possible.
@OUTL4W, use the style property "Messages Message Links" instead. But once you change that, go to siropu_chat.css template and change
.siropuChatMessages > li .siropuChatMessage
.siropuChatMessages > li .siropuChatMessage a
Let me know how it works.

@Optic, will look into it.
@OUTL4W, use the style property "Messages Message Links" instead. But once you change that, go to siropu_chat.css template and change
.siropuChatMessages > li .siropuChatMessage
.siropuChatMessages > li .siropuChatMessage a
Let me know how it works.

Unfortunately I have yet to update to the newest version as I do not have access to the server to upload the latest version, currently running on 1.21.8, just waiting on owner to do so but in the meantime...any other way?
Unfortunately I have yet to update to the newest version as I do not have access to the server to upload the latest version, currently running on 1.21.8, just waiting on owner to do so but in the meantime...any other way?
Wouldn't something like this in EXTRA.css work?

.siropuChatMessage .internalLink {
    color: XXX;
.siropuChatMessage .externalLink {
   color: XXX;
Wouldn't something like this in EXTRA.css work?

.siropuChatMessage .internalLink {
    color: XXX;
.siropuChatMessage .externalLink {
   color: XXX;

DOH!...I was trying that but I was using "font-color" instead.
thanks much Mizzzz Gemma!
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Hello - have pasted the suggested embed code into a page, but Chat is not showing... What am I doing wrong ?
Edit: Chat has been turned on it Settings. It's showing & accessible on the main menu, but is not embedding into the page.
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Is there any plan to extend notifications in chatbox? Now for example it says x posted... Or y registered...
But we need the bot reports any event in site right in chat box. We want to use it as something like live feed that you see in facebook sidebar.
A few things as example:
  • X commented on article... : AMS
  • X reviewed article... : AMS
  • X commented on item... : SC
  • X reviewed item... : SC
  • X posted blog entry... : UBS
  • X commented on blog or blog entry... : UBS
  • X reviewed blog entry... : UBS
  • X created blog... : UBS
  • X posted on group... : Nobita's social groups
  • X created an event in group... : Nobita's social groups
  • X posted on profile...
  • X followed y...
  • X posted media... : XFMG
  • X commented on media... :XFMG
  • X reviewed media... :xfmg
  • X reviewed resource...
  • X posted resource...
  • X updated resource...
Would be awesone if you also support post rating add-on.

Do you have such a plan in your mind for your add-on?
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