Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
I will look into the password issue. As for the double clicking, it supposed to close the room if you click anywhere on the tab.

Thank you for the quick fixing like always. :) And ah wasn't sure about that. Never really noticed it till recently.
Hello, I think chat a create a some bug, If I use a spam cleaner in some time I received this error, with disable chat, I do not receive it.
So...the chat doesn't seem to support emoji like these examples. And when I paste them into the chat, I get a bunch of errors in my ACP
  1. Fatal Error: Class 'Zend_Controller_Response_Http' not found Today at 9:05 AM - library/XenForo/FrontController.php:253
  2. Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting function (T_FUNCTION) Today at 9:05 AM - library/Zend/Controller/Response/Abstract.php:602
  3. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_Template_Helper_Core' not found Today at 9:04 AM - library/XenForo/Dependencies/Public.php:91
  4. Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) Today at 9:04 AM - library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php:579
  5. Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting '(' Today at 9:03 AM - library/XenForo/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php:1329
  6. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_ViewRenderer_Json' not found Today at 9:02 AM - library/XenForo/Dependencies/Abstract.php:124
  7. Invalid model 'XenForo_Model_User' specified Today at 9:01 AM - library/XenForo/Model.php:192
  8. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_Helper_Php' not found Today at 9:01 AM - library/XenForo/Permission.php:80
  9. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_Helper_Php' not found Today at 9:01 AM - library/XenForo/Visitor.php:450
  10. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract' not found Today at 9:00 AM - library/Siropu/Chat/ControllerPublic/Chat.php:14
  11. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_RouteMatch' not found Today at 8:59 AM - library/XenForo/Router.php:337
  12. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_RouteMatch' not found Today at 8:59 AM - library/XenForo/Router.php:337
  13. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_Model' not found Today at 8:59 AM - library/XenForo/Model/DataRegistry.php:14
  14. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_Options' not found Today at 8:59 AM - library/XenForo/Dependencies/Abstract.php:162
  15. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_CodeEvent' not found Today at 8:59 AM - library/XenForo/Dependencies/Abstract.php:155
  16. Fatal Error: Class 'XenForo_Controller' not found Today at 8:59 AM - library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Abstract.php:9
  17. Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting function (T_FUNCTION) Today at 8:59 AM - library/XenForo/Controller.php:613
  18. Fatal Error: Call to undefined function utf8_romanize() Today at 8:59 AM - library/XenForo/Link.php:760

Edit: It looks like XenForo doesn't support them either.
Siropu updated Chat by Siropu with a new update entry:

Bug Fixes

Bugs Fixed
  • Room password reset when editing a room as moderator and not having the permission to set/change password.
  • Invalid chat field name when using Spam Cleaner.
  • Sensitivity issue for message acction buttons on some mobile devices.
  • Other small issues.
I've also added the option to disable the chat by default for new users.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I can't understand if this can work like comet chat with a little window that follow users in every page of the website.
Bot messages are not showing the user name CSS, whereas everywhere else in the chatroom it does show. Can you fix that, @Siropu ?

Also, "has left the room" messages do not include the user avatar, please add it there too.

Further, "/me" messages also don't show the username markup.
Is there no way around that? Because it really looks bad having everything properly coloured except the bot/me/leave messages.
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