Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
@OUTL4W Possible, you'll just have to add that somewhere on these lines I highlighted:
Or if you want something which I consider much better than that:
Do you want the crown to only appear on Chat or globally? If you want it to appear globally (including on the chat), why don't you make a css rule that targets the user groups of the users you want? If you go to User Groups page in Admin CP (your_domain/admin.php?user-groups/), and click on one of the user group, you can find the ID of the user group on the address bar. For example, ID of the default Administrative group is 3, so the link will appear as your_domain/admin.php?user-groups/administrative.3/edit. Since you already know the ID, making a css rule for that group is as simple as writing .username .styleID { ... } on your EXTRA.css (in this case it'll be .username .style3 { ... }). Though, that's totally unnecessary if you only want to make styling for that EXACT css rule, as you could have done that on the User Groups page. BUT, if you want to make fancy thing like adding that crown icon before the username, you can use this method. You'll only have to add before selector to the css rule, so it'll be like .username .styleID:before { ... }, and then put the css properties to make the crown icon within that rule. Since you'll be putting the css rule on your EXTRA.css, it'll be applied to any rich username within the forums, including the Chat.
How do I get the thread notifications to open up a new tab and not redirect in the same page? or is it not an option.
@Sutekh Well, one of dirty methods that I can think about is using a JS code that will run whenever a new <a> element is added to the chat to append target html attribute. I believe I've seen that there is a proper method to monitor and filter elements that are added after page load. But still, I'll consider that a dirty method.
Siropu updated Chat by Siropu with a new update entry:

New Features & Improvements

Multi Rooms
A new permission has been added that will allow users to join and chat in multiple rooms at the same time. The way users join a room hasn't been changed but once a user requests to join a new room, that room will be opened in a new tab within the chat.

When you are active in a room and there are new messages in other rooms that you have joined, those tabs will blink. You can style tabs that have new mesages by using this CSS class: .roomNewMessage {}

In order for a user...

Read the rest of this update entry...

I got this error when I tried to upgrade the add-on:

Callback Siropu_Chat_Listener::init_dependencies is invalid (Invalid Method).

After I uploaded all files it was ok, but after it finished the chat page looks messed up:

Last edited:
I'm using @Arty 's Black Responsive, after the 1.22 update, major stuff broke.

^^ What StarArmy Posted, only the opposaide, i have the chat list on the other side and a massive spacing to the chat list.

Also when i had more than 16 players on, it seems the online list isn't scrolling.
In Style Properties > Users Container, try putting the following in the Miscellaneous section:

float: right;

Edit: Also set the width to 200px in misc section too.
I've upgraded the chat on my own community from 1.15.x to 1.22. and my demo site as well with no issue.
The problem seems to be if you have used the chat style properties.
For "Users Container" style property replace the code in "Miscellaneous" with:

padding: 0 10px;
    float: right;
    width: 200px;
    height: 100%;

For "Rooms & Messages Container" with:
overflow: auto;
height: 100%
Oh i forgot about style props. reversing those fixed the problem. :)

On a bit, with 16 chatters online, this happens (default as well)
I've upgraded the chat on my own community from 1.15.x to 1.22. and my demo site as well with no issue.
The problem seems to be if you have used the chat style properties.
For "Users Container" style property replace the code in "Miscellaneous" with:

padding: 0 10px;
    float: right;
    width: 200px;
    height: 100%;

For "Rooms & Messages Container" with:
overflow: auto;
height: 100%
This doesn't work because the problem still happens if the screen width is small.
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