Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

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Actually, the target is mandatory. /w would be a shorthand for /whisper. but again, clicking on the whisper text in the message is way faster.
At the moment the quickest way to send a new whisper message to the same users, is to click on the "(Whisper)" text in the message. There is no other way. I might change this in the future.

@Siropu Hey bro, have you thought about that separate add-on?
You mean the private chat Add-on? I haven't started development yet.

Yes, I remember you said you might start working on December.

Hopefully by the end of this year.

Would you consider working on it or should I lose all hope? :(

IMO this add-on doesn't need any more features other than the "Private Messages" which should be there by default because all chat scripts depends on that feature!

I have another alternative in mind but it lacks a lot of features which has already been included in your's, so please consider doing it add-on ASAP. :)
Oh you plan on making a private chat thingy add-on? Will it be compatible with this one? I don't necessarily mean that it'll be integrated, but at least compatible if you plan on making it into a separate one. If so, then I'd love to see that developed in the future <3
I have installed the chat add-on and enabled chat and I tried to put in above my forum list (And other position settings) but it does not appear. I am unsure what to do next.

Can someone tell me how to set this background color for the options? I've looked all over the style properties for chat and haven't found it.
That element's ID is siropuChatSettings, so if you can't find it anywhere on Style Properties, try to change the styling through your EXTRA.css instead.
#siropuChatSettings {
    background-color: SOMETHING;
That element's ID is siropuChatSettings, so if you can't find it anywhere on Style Properties, try to change the styling through your EXTRA.css instead.
#siropuChatSettings {
    background-color: SOMETHING;
This doesn't work and it also moves the user bar to the top. Very strange.

Edit: I think the actual element is form but not sure how to manipulate it in the CSS.
It should have worked, unless the extra one got less priority somehow, which shouldn't be the case since EXTRA.css would be loaded after the chat's css. Well, if that was the case anyway, try adding !important tag. Like, background-color: blue !important;.
I'm looking in editing the template siropu_chat.css now.

Edit: Found it!

Edit 2: Anyone got any ideas for how to fix this element?

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If you look at the CSS rules area on the right side of your developer tools, you can see that #siroupChatHelp .bbCodeQuote .quoteContainer has the top priority of changing the background-color. So yeah, just add the same rules on your EXTRA.css, but with different background-color. That should do the job.
And if changing it from EXTRA.css is still not working for your style, there has to be some issues with your style.

Edit: I think the actual element is form but not sure how to manipulate it in the CSS.
Yeah, it's a form element. But its ID is siropuChatSettings, so you should target the ID instead. If you target the whole form elements, it'll affect all other form elements in your site, which I believe wasn't something that you wanted to do.
possible to add the option if {$message.is_staff}

and add a small pic(or can input custom pic) in front of the username such as the crown in example above?
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