Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

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Version 1.22.0 beta is now available for testing at
This version is not yet ready for production. If you find any bugs, please do not post them here, instead send me a PM here or on my demo site.

What's new?
Now you can join and chat in more than 1 room at the same time.
The way you join a room hasn't been changed but the rooms you join will be displayed in tabs.
You can leave a room by double-clicking on the room tab.

I've also added a forum activity tab to separate forum messages from the rest of the messages.
I'm on 1.21.8, for some reason, sometimes the "all pages" chat will close by itself after I send a message. FYI, Chrome, Win 10, XF 1.5.5.
That happens when the mouse cursor is outside of the chat. It has been fixed in the upcoming 1.22.0.
Any feedback on this version will be appreciated. Demo can be found at
@Siropu, can you please introduce a way to limit maximum number of lines held in the browser -- either as a site option or user -- for 1.22.0? My site's chat moves very fast and people can accrue thousands of lines of dialog in an hour, which crashes browsers. We just moved off TaigaChat and this is way better, but the three things we're missing is:

  • A way to cap chat history length and prune HTML.
  • The scrollbar is janky and tends to get stuck and ignore new lines of text. There's no way to fix this by scrolling down, either.
  • Avatars should appear on bot messages for new post activity.
can you please introduce a way to limit maximum number of lines held in the browser
I've added a new option to control this. Once the message count reaches that limit, the old messages will be removed from the window leaving the last 25 or the number you have set for database messages display limit. There is also the /clear command (was added before 1.22.0) that can remove all the messages in the window.
Hey cheers mate. I may take a look at the code myself to try and sort out the other two since they're pretty unique to the weirdos on my site. Thanks for the work.
If you have issues with autoscroll, go to siropu_chat_js template and change var chatToggleAutoscroll to true. This will add the option to manually toggle autoscroll on/off from the chat editor.

What other issue do you have?
Autoscrolling isn't an ideal solution because it involves forcing the user down to the bottom of the chat when we get a new message, and since chat moves quickly that's really irritating if you're trying to catch up. I'll look at the scripts to see if I can find the issue.

It's just that and the avatars, though. Actions should have the user's avatar, not the bot's.

Oh, and a custom feature I added to TaigaChat was having it highlight posts by adding a class. If you hovered over a .username link, it would darken any line from that user.
It's displayed the bot avatar because the bot is the one who posts the message in the chat. In 1.22.0 forum activity will have its own tab and there will be no avatars there.

Regarding your custom feature, you just gave me an idea. :)
@Siropu Alright, got it. Then what about the fact that smiley picker can't be used on the "all pages" chat? When someone click on the smiley button, the smiley picker thingy will appear at the bottom of the chat, but there's no way to pick any of the smileys because they went off the screen.
Weird, it seems to be working now. Before I reported about it, for some reason the editor area wouldn't make space for the smilies picker whenever I pressed on the smilies button. So yeah, it wasn't possible to click on any smilies, because it ended up going off screen (the only part that was visible was the category tabs).
Can you change notification links to include /unread when linking to threads? People are irritated that the Thread URLs bring them to the first post instead of the last read post.
@Siropu Have you thought about adding /r or /reply command to quickly reply to the latest user who've whispered you?
For example, A guy named "testguy" whispered something to you. So, instead of clicking on the (Whisper) link or typing "/whisper [testguy] ..." to reply, you can write "/r ..." or "/reply ..." instead. On chat system that's usually utilized on online games, private messages or whispers can be quickly replied with similar system like that. So I guess on a gaming-oriented forums or every forums in general, it'll be a very useful minor feature.

Also, mind adding another alias for the whisper? Possibly "/pm".
Or maybe instead, add the ability for admins to add custom aliases for the built-in commands? And of course, if you plan on adding that ability, it'll be best if the custom aliases appear on the Help page as well (or maybe an option to show or not show it).
@Siropu On a fast-paced private conversation, it was too much of a hassle to move my hand from the keyboard to the mouse or trackpad. And also since I've been used to other chat systems (outside of forums) where I could just let my hand on the keyboard till a reply came.
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