Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.2

No permission to buy (€29.99)
It is an admin option (look for "Refresh interval"), you can set it how you want. For an AJAX chat, depending on the server and how big is your board, 1 second can be too low.
refresh interval for active users (Visible)

The number of seconds between chat refreshes for active users when chat is visible.

Refresh interval for active users (Hidden)

Can you tell me which one it refresh message please
All options do the same thing in different cases. The first option is the one you want for users who chat.
Hello @Siropu,

It is very strange, when I am trying to send the message, it's jumping a line :


I can't send the message...

And the option to add new lines is disabled.

Any ideas ?
Hello @Siropu,

It is very strange, when I am trying to send the message, it's jumping a line :


I can't send the message...

And the option to add new lines is disabled.

Any ideas ?

@Siropu , I found the problem. It is because my forum is loading unmimifed JS, and your shoutbox is shipped only with the mimified JAVASCRIPT.

Can you ship unmimied JS with the addon too to avoid this kind of problem ?
You can only set one room for guests. It is an admin option called "Guest room". Once you set that you have to set user group permissions to view the chat.
You install it just like any other add-on. Upload the contents of the "upload" directory on your server to the corresponding directories.
Contents of "data" to "data" on the server.
Contents of "js" to "js" on the server, etc.

Once you have done that, go to Add-ons section in ACP to run the install.
After installation, just set the user group permissions and you are done.
You install it just like any other add-on. Upload the contents of the "upload" directory on your server to the corresponding directories.
Contents of "data" to "data" on the server.
Contents of "js" to "js" on the server, etc.

Once you have done that, go to Add-ons section in ACP to run the install.
After installation, just set the user group permissions and you are done.
How do i make a chat room
First, make sure that you have set the permission to create rooms. The option to create rooms is in room list (Browse rooms tab) and in chat user options menu.
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