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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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I suggest some break tags added to separate the items.
There was lines between items before (border to be exact) but they looked "heavy" and have been removed. That said, you can easily style it to suit your need with CSS. Each style will be a bit different, this one looks good with border, the other one need space instead etc. ;)
I have been able to capitalize every widget title on the sidebar except for "Share this page". This widget title wont capitalize. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you
Will this widget framework allow me to setup an New/Recent and popular forum post section on the side?


I was able to create separate sections but not sure how to group them together like the example above.
@xfrocks I just read form this thread
I wonder how to set widget to display full width as you show in there. I try many option but it still in sidebar.


Edit: I figure it out, just search this thread :)
I will note this here again incase someone want it too.

to show all possible postition that widget can add

and if you want in some certain page only use this in Expression Field:
!in_array($contentTemplate, array

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How can I have an square ad with no title in the sidebar?
Use the HTML without wrapper renderer.

What must i do, that the widget displayed only in an special forums or thread in that forums?

Maybe here and in these Threads.
Screen Shot 2014-04-21 at 1.32.28 PM.webp

I have been able to capitalize every widget title on the sidebar except for "Share this page". This widget title wont capitalize. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you
You must have used CSS right? It should be a bit different for Share This Page. What is your CSS rule?

Great Addon.

I want DONT show the Widget Framework on resources sinde,
how can i do that?
Sorry, I don't understand your question?
Will this widget framework allow me to setup an New/Recent and popular forum post section on the side?

View attachment 72029

I was able to create separate sections but not sure how to group them together like the example above.
You can group them in tabbed interface by enter the text in the group field.
Screen Shot 2014-04-21 at 1.34.31 PM.webp

This is not fixed.
How so? Enter some limit and it is still wrong?

Can you explain this a little further xfrocks? And where can I donate for this add-on?
You enter "thread_view" in position field when you add a widget.
Screen Shot 2014-04-21 at 1.35.58 PM.webp

And you can purchase user upgrade here to get premium support and access to premium add-ons ;)
OK.. i test "forum_view" but i don't know what i must type in for a Forums. I need to display different widgets for different forums/threads.
OK.. i test "forum_view" but i don't know what i must type in for a Forums. I need to display different widgets for different forums/threads.
If you need different widgets for each forum, create widgets and configure them for each forum.
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