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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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I have Clear sidebar widget with display order 0. In the latest version of WF, this widget (just an empty box) shows on the top of sidebars.
If I disable this Clear sidebar widget, I will have duplicate widgets in wrong order. I guess this is why we need Clear sidebar in the first place.
I have Clear sidebar widget with display order 0. In the latest version of WF, this widget (just an empty box) shows on the top of sidebars.
If I disable this Clear sidebar widget, I will have duplicate widgets in wrong order. I guess this is why we need Clear sidebar in the first place.
What do you mean Andy, I don't quite get it? The "Clear Sidebar" widget should not output anything. And if you disable it, the original sidebar (visitor panel, users online, stats, share) will be kept, any other widgets will be appended below them.
What do you mean Andy, I don't quite get it? The "Clear Sidebar" widget should not output anything. And if you disable it, the original sidebar (visitor panel, users online, stats, share) will be kept, any other widgets will be appended below them.
I uncheck the "hide visitor panel too" option and it works again. Not sure why in the last version, I have that option checked and it worked.

I notice that when I enable it for XenPorta, the Clear sidebar is shown under ewrporta_portal while the rest is under EWRporta_Portal. I enter EWRporta_Portal,forum_list for the location. Looks like there are 2 instances of the porta locations?

I uncheck the "hide visitor panel too" option and it works again. Not sure why in the last version, I have that option checked and it worked.

I notice that when I enable it for XenPorta, the Clear sidebar is shown under ewrporta_portal while the rest is under EWRporta_Portal. I enter EWRporta_Portal,forum_list for the location. Looks like there are 2 instances of the porta locations?

View attachment 33370
Ah, that's one thing that I overlooked...
I uncheck the "hide visitor panel too" option and it works again. Not sure why in the last version, I have that option checked and it worked.

I notice that when I enable it for XenPorta, the Clear sidebar is shown under ewrporta_portal while the rest is under EWRporta_Portal. I enter EWRporta_Portal,forum_list for the location. Looks like there are 2 instances of the porta locations?

View attachment 33370
Please edit the file xenforo/library/WidgetFramework/DataWriter/Helper/Widget.php, line 23

$positions = trim(strtolower($positions)); // template and hook should be all in lowercase, at least I hope so

Replace it with

$positions = trim($positions);
Great update xfrocks! Thank you very much! :)
What about the "New feature: Negative display order support." new feature?

Great update xfrocks! Thank you very much! :)
What about the "New feature: Negative display order support." new feature?

You can use negative value (less than 0 like -1, -10, etc.) to make the widget appears before original contents. For example, if you choose a hook for output and that hook has some html already, choosing a negative display order will make the widget show up before the html.
You can stick some HTML at the top of every page if you use the position "hook:page_container_content_top". You can also put any widgets on any hooks.
That is such a good feature for the average person - ME.
Is there a way we can see where hooks are? I remember XF had an addon to see all template hooks but that was a long time ago and isnt supported with the newer XF versions.

Is there anything you can suggest for newbies like me to get an idea of what hooks are where? Or is this something that can be viewed in the HTML source? Any tips on finding hook names and where they are would be magic, thanks!
That is such a good feature for the average person - ME.
Is there a way we can see where hooks are? I remember XF had an addon to see all template hooks but that was a long time ago and isnt supported with the newer XF versions.

Is there anything you can suggest for newbies like me to get an idea of what hooks are where? Or is this something that can be viewed in the HTML source? Any tips on finding hook names and where they are would be magic, thanks!
Your requested feature has been added ;)

I have no clue what New feature: Hook direct output support means for me, but thanks for the update.:cool:
You may want to read this post:

You can use negative value (less than 0 like -1, -10, etc.) to make the widget appears before original contents. For example, if you choose a hook for output and that hook has some html already, choosing a negative display order will make the widget show up before the html.
Your requested feature has been added ;)

You may want to read this post:

Thats amazing! Thanks a lot, this add-on has gone to the next level now. I can add so much stuff. A donation will be coming your way when I get some spare cash, w ell worth it! thanks
I have no clue what New feature: Hook direct output support means for me, but thanks for the update.:cool:
Its actually quite amazing, basically there are 'hooks' all over XenForo which are like spots/locations/areas where content is placed, for example ad_header, ad_footer etc etc, so if you know where the hook is, you can code up a HTML block in the widget framework and place it anywhere you like(using hooks for the positioning of the block). Makes it really easy for people with basic coding knowledge(me).
I have no clue what New feature: Hook direct output support means for me, but thanks for the update.:cool:
Oh, I misread your question. ddmmh answered it here:
Its actually quite amazing, basically there are 'hooks' all over XenForo which are like spots/locations/areas where content is placed, for example ad_header, ad_footer etc etc, so if you know where the hook is, you can code up a HTML block in the widget framework and place it anywhere you like(using hooks for the positioning of the block). Makes it really easy for people with basic coding knowledge(me).
Is it possible using one of the widget to pull in RSS feed from another site/forum?
Sort of like when you run a gadget site and you want to have a sidebar widget that shows latest 5 posts from Engadget, etc.
Or if you run a series of sites and want the children forums to show the latest 5 announcements from the main site pulling from the Announcement forum, etc.
Is it possible using one of the widget to pull in RSS feed from another site/forum?
Sort of like when you run a gadget site and you want to have a sidebar widget that shows latest 5 posts from Engadget, etc.
Or if you run a series of sites and want the children forums to show the latest 5 announcements from the main site pulling from the Announcement forum, etc.
Yes there is, using the HTML block you can use something like this -

I dont know if those XF template codes/expressions or whatever there called will work with this framework but it will put you in the right direction
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