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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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I've tried every which way I know to install this thing, lol..but I am a beginner, so I could be not doing it right
I've tried every which way I know to install this thing, lol..
You shouldn't be having problems with WinSCP, it's one of the better FTP clients.

After you have unzipped the add-on on your computer and opened up WinSCP, all you simply do is drag the contents that are inside the upload folder (in this case, the js and library folders) from the left hand pane in WinSCP onto the right hand pane. Make sure you don't drag them on top of any folders in the right hand pane or you will end up uploading them into those folders. Drag them on top of the files below the folders. This will ensure that it copies the folders - it will then merge them with the existing js and library folders.
Open your ftp client, make sure you have side by side view - your Desktop or wherever you unzipped the addon, and your server. On your pc open the addon folder, then the js folder; then open the js folder on your server. Drag the entire WidgetFramework folder from PC side to Server side. Repeat the same with the library folder.

Now, when you drag from PC to Server, make sure you drag onto empty space in the server window - other wise chances are you'll drop the folder into another random folder on the server side then wonder why it's not working :p I've done that few times :p Hope that helps:)
Okay, I've done this exactly as you've instructed as far as dragging from left to right on FTP, maybe I'm dropping it in the wrong place. Do I drop it in public html, public html/library, public html/js ? This has me baffled, this should be easy, lol
There you go, that's the problem. You need to navigate to the folder on your server where your Xenforo is installed - noone can tell you that as it may vary - assuming it's a standard standalone installation - it will be in public html. To make it easier, keep on clicking on your server until you see a Library and JS folder combination. Once you do, you're in the right place, then just follow instructions from above. It's really no different then browsing files in two locations on your computer:p If you are able to copy/paste folder on your pc, then you can do it via ftp. Just make sure contents of JS go to equivalent JS, and same for library.
Just want to make sure I'm doing this right... I have an ad banner HTML widget in the sidebar. In the HTML box I have this:
<xen:if is="!{xen:helper ismemberof, $visitor, 23, 24, 18}">
<!-- 300x250_Banner -->
Ad Code
In the Expression box I have this:
XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperIsMemberOf($visitor, 23, 24, 18) == false

I'm thinking I don't need both the expression and the conditional code to not show the widget to those usergroups. Which one do I actually need?
@xfrocks I'd like to display one widget on literally all templates except one (:D). Is it possible to use the "all" setting and exclude one template?
Hi Folks,
Well after two days with no success of installing this widget framework addon, I'm obviously not doing something right. I've installed most other addons but this one has me baffled. I've tried it every way I can think of and either get mostly no files found or every now and then some other kind of error. So if someone would please be so kind to install it for me, I'll give you all the login credentials to do so, if not that's okay too. Just thought I'd ask. I'm at my wits end on this one. :eek:
Hi Folks,
Well after two days with no success of installing this widget framework addon, I'm obviously not doing something right. I've installed most other addons but this one has me baffled. I've tried it every way I can think of and either get mostly no files found or every now and then some other kind of error. So if someone would please be so kind to install it for me, I'll give you all the login credentials to do so, if not that's okay too. Just thought I'd ask. I'm at my wits end on this one. :eek:
Before you resort to giving login details to others, have you checked to see if your upload attempts have succeeded/failed?

Look in the library and js folders on your website - do they both contain a folder called WidgetFramework? If so, do these folders contain more folders and files?

Also double check that your website doesn't contain a folder called upload...
@LurkerLou the only places you can add a sidebar widget for XMG is in the 2 positions I gave you, if you want to add a widget to anywhere else within XMG you would have to use one of the hook positions which will also display then on other parts of your forum not just XMG.

If you go into 'Add Widget' then click....
View attachment 86365

You will be able to see every position available to add your widget, bare in mind that most positions will be site wide not just for a specific page.
I know all about hook locations. That part I understand. I'm wondering if there's an expression I can use to have it appear on the XMG pages only or use the "== false" expression end to omit it from all other places?
Think I might just be having an issue with the 'share this page' widget. Our Facebook likes are going up by 1 every 2 minutes or so, which can't be right, mainly because I don't think we've had enough traffic at certain times to even physically manage that. We were hovering around 90 likes for a couple of days, then suddenly we've shot up to 500 in less than a day. Any ideas? :/
Does anyone know how I can get some of the stats to update instantly or quicker?

For example, latest threads does not update if I make a new thread for a good 10 - 15 minutes.
User statuses don't update for nearly 30 minutes. Even if i do a hard refrresh.

If the stats would update instantly, it would make the experience better.
Does anyone know how I can get some of the stats to update instantly or quicker?

For example, latest threads does not update if I make a new thread for a good 10 - 15 minutes.
User statuses don't update for nearly 30 minutes. Even if i do a hard refrresh.

If the stats would update instantly, it would make the experience better.
Lower the cache TTL to 180 or don't use caching by using 0
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