Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
Yes, right. I have 2 banners in the same position, one that buy in all discussions, one that appears only if it meets the requirements (for example, certain tags or words in the title).

I wonder if you can, instead of making them appear both (in my case, one below the other) whether it is possible to choose whether to show one or the other.
I take this opportunity to ask you another question. I would like to bring up the banner (or text) in the page of search results, if no results found. It's possible? I have tested but did not succeeded. Thanks again!

Ps: if it were possible to "rotate" the banner this addon would really be perfect and complete. :-)
I would like to bring up the banner (or text) in the page of search results, if no results found. It's possible?
Select one of the following positions: Above Content, Below Content and use Page Criteria Controller and Action is: XenForo_ControllerPublic_Search :: Search and Content Template is: message_page
That should work.
Ps: if it were possible to "rotate" the banner this addon would really be perfect and complete.
It is possible. You just have to use a package (same type as the ads) and set that package for each ad. If each ad has different criteria, don't set to inherit package settings, when assigning the package to it.
How do I add an ad position for a sidebar widget?

I have the sidebar on all pages using BD widget framework and want a widget at the bottom with an ad in it.
How do I add an ad position for a sidebar widget?

I have the sidebar on all pages using BD widget framework and want a widget at the bottom with an ad in it.
I think this works the same as the Sidebar Manager - You have to create a new position in the Ads Manager and related template in Xenforo and put the template call-up code in the widget space. (or, maybe you can use an existing position and just call up that template in the new widget.)

It shouldn't be all that different or hard to do...
Ad blocker detect. A couple of questions firstly does this work for any type of add? I use only banner ads and seems that the ad block detect is not working that leads me to my next questions.

Does the ad blocker detect the Opera browser built in ad blocker?

I do use adsense on the site but they are implemented by theme ad templates. Would i have to move these adesense ads to this ad manager for the blocker detect to work?

I have just tried adsense code in a custom code ad and it was blocked and no message showed. I tried this with the built in Opera browser and also Adblock in chrome. I didn't see any message the ad was just blocked. It seems Ads manager is not detecting?
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Ad blocker detect. A couple of questions firstly does this work for any type of add? I use only banner ads and seems that the ad block detect is not working that leads me to my next questions.
It should work with any type of code ads such as adsense and affiliate networks.
Does the ad blocker detect the Opera browser built in ad blocker?
Initial tests have been done in Chrome and Firefox. If you have issues with Opera, let me know.
Would i have to move these adesense ads to this ad manager for the blocker detect to work?

Is it possible to choose the display priorities of the packages?
It has been requested before and I can add it.
It should work with any type of code ads such as adsense and affiliate networks.

Initial tests have been done in Chrome and Firefox. If you have issues with Opera, let me know.


It has been requested before and I can add it.
I have tried chrome using the adblock chrome extension and ads manager shows no message as per my settings.
You are using the option "Replace ad with a message"?
What ad type are you using?
Do you see any console errors?
I'm having a geotargeting issue.

I'm in the United States. When I select "Country is" = United States my ad doesn't show!

But even weirder, if i select the ad to show in all countries (using the quick select boxes, the ad STILL doesn't show up! The only way I can get it to show up again is by de-selecting all the countries.

Any idea why that's happening?
I'd like to show a sidebar ad to all sidebars except those on media pages. And show a different ad only to media page sidebars.

Cant seem to figure it out
Any idea why that's happening?
Geo targeting is IP based and it might not be 100% accurate. Please see PM.

I'd like to show a sidebar ad to all sidebars except those on media pages. And show a different ad only to media page sidebars.
Use page criteria to target specific pages. XF Media add-on, you can sue page criteria "Content Template is:" xengallery_media_view to target the media view right sidebar. Or "Content Template is NOT:" xengallery_media_view to display on all sidebars, except media view sidebar.
If you want to place ads in the left sidebar on media pages, there are custom positions under "Media Gallery" position category.
new feature: display order!

this feature is really helpful, it's nice to set the ad order in the same order as the forum, its easier to find,

tank you sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there is a bug when i try to set the order to 700

Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Out of range value for column 'display_order' at row 1

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 632
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->update() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1654
  5. XenForo_DataWriter->_update() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1623
  6. XenForo_DataWriter->_save() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1419
  7. XenForo_DataWriter->save() in Siropu/AdsManager/ControllerAdmin/Packages.php at line 174
  8. Siropu_AdsManager_ControllerAdmin_Packages->actionSave() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  9. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  10. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/carforum/public_html/admin.php at line 13

i put 70 instead of 700, and it work fine,

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I have an issue with header banner.

If I put a banner in the header (468/60), it creates an offset navigation bar:


Tested with default style
It's not an issue with Ads Manager. You have to change logo height in style properties "Header and Navigation" for the ad to fit and not push content down.
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