Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)

Thanks for very fast reply man! :)

What ads are you using? External ads used with Code ad type are not responsive. Unless they are responsive themselves such as Adsense response units.

I am using locally hosted banners, mainly GIF:s and JPG:s. My examples are GIF:s. Here is an example, how these does not work. This is screenshot is from my phone. With other banner management, these worked
just fine.



EDIT: and the dimensios of the banners on the exampe are H 120px W 900px
and H 120 px W 470 px
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Try this:

Go to "siropu_ads_manager_ad_common.css" template and change /* width: 100%; */ with width: 100%;
Try this:

Go to "siropu_ads_manager_ad_common.css" template and change /* width: 100%; */ with width: 100%;

Dude, i can not see the difference in those. But i am bit slow :D


Got it... Sorry for being dummy :D But now it works fine also on my royal NOKIA-phone :D

But thanks for the help, i mean huge thanks. Now i can head to next problems that i have with other addons.
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One thing more. Is it possible to do this.

If i have two banners side by side on my " Forum list" or f.ex in "below the breadcrump" . Can i have another pair of banners or even third pair, that could rotate?
You can rotate ads using packages. Create a package with all the settings you need, and assign all the ads to that package. If you set package option "Maximum Ads Displayed" to 2 and set "Ads Display Order" to random, there will be two random banners each time.
When I select "Page is NOT Within Nodes:" and select a forum by name, the ad also doesn't show up in the forum_list for all forums.

Any idea what could be wrong?
That's the default XF behavior. I've added the option "Display outside of selected nodes" to display on other pages other than the selected nodes.
Hello, again.. :)

Is there a common reason for banners not showing suddenly. I am still running forum on my test server, and it is about ready for lounch. But for reason or other my ads manager started to bug me.

After installation i was able to situate banners to every position i wanted. Now only locations that actually shows the banners are, breadcrum, above the content, below the content and thread view.

So i can not use banners on posts etc. What i am missing here? Any ideas...?
Are you using packages? If so, are you making changes in the packages or in the ads? Changes made in the package affects all its ads if the ads are inheriting package settings.
Are you using any criteria?
What changes have you made? Ads don't just stop working.
Thanks for a great plugin... I am stuck on the last part. The text add has been created. I have approved it. It should be ready to be paid.
Screen Shot 2016-09-01 at 11.57.37.webp

I only use Strip for payment, so I have added the Stripe API key as the only way of payment... but the status still says "Pending".. ideas?

Hi there, first of all thanks for this great add-on.

We just started using it and so far have encountered one specific issue. On our site we also run MediaWiki and the plan is to display ads there too using the Embed feature of Ads Manager. That does work, the ads are displayed on the wiki but it seems some unnecessary stuff is loaded with the iframe. For example we are using backstretch for background image rotation on the forum and backstretch js and the forum background images are loaded in the ad embed iframe too... Maybe the Embed feature can be made more "lightweight" by only including what is neccessary for the ads to work. Maybe there's a workaround for the current issue?
@Casa Ivar, I've looked at the code and found out that there is an option required that is currently missing, called "Publishable Key". Once you add that as well, the option to pay with Stripe will show up. I will release a fix today.

@Eric_, I will look into it.
Now when a user wants to purchase a new ad, he/she can add Notes, but it seems when you have ads already purchased, then you can't edit them to add notes?

I edited an already purchased ad and couldn't find Notes field to add notes. (if its not possible to add notes when editing an already purchased ad, then will this come in next update?)

Thanks for the Stripe update. I can now see the "Pay with Stripe" button:
Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 11.53.49.webp

..but when I click it, it seems a forum pop-up is trying to open since I see this: Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 11.53.38.webp in the top right corner. The problem is that it just sits there and spins.

I wonder if there is some confusion (it might be me) regarding the types of API keys Stripe offers. As far as I can understand, there are 2 types. Publishable API key and Secret API key.

So what do I put in the current "Stripe API key" field in your app? The publishable API key I guess? That means the same key is added twice in your app? I am a bit confused, but as I said, it might be me :-)

Thanks for your hard work on this!
One of the best addons I ever purchased, still going great for my business. One feature request I think would be pretty cool. The ability to display all active ads on a single page (maybe scaled down a bit). On my site this would serve as a "current advertisers" page. Even better, the ability to have a title and description for each ad. Thanks and keep up the great work.
Glad to hear that. :)
You can currently filter ads based on ad status. You want something different?


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    Ads Admin CP XenForo.webp
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Glad to hear that. :)
You can currently filter ads based on ad status. You want something different?
I was wanting a public page of current advertisers for all to see. So it would end up similar to this:

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