Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.22

No permission to buy (€49.99)
@Siropu Text type ads are not work XenForo template syntax {name} ? Also can add support for HTML or BB Code support for Description? Does Description word/text limited?
If you want to show the username of the current user, you can use {$xf.visitor.username}. If you want to include visitors, you can use the following: {{ $xf.visitor.user_id ? $xf.visitor.username : phrase('guest') }}.

Also can add support for HTML or BB Code support for Description?
If you go to siropu_ads_manager_ad_macros template and change {$ad.description|nl2br} to {$ad.description|nl2br|raw} you can use HTML. Don't make this change if you are selling text ads because your users can include scripts.

Does Description word/text limited?
You can change the limit via "Maximum ad description length" admin option.
If you go to siropu_ads_manager_ad_macros template and change {$ad.description|nl2br} to {$ad.description|nl2br|raw} you can use HTML. Don't make this change if you are selling text ads because your users can include scripts.

If can add BB Code support? Should have option in admin CP for enable/disable.

  • Can use BB Code in description
@Siropu Text ads User criteria are not working. I have set User has posted at least X messages to 500 but user still see this ads, when user have more then 40000 post
There are two positions for nodes: One where you can place ads between category blocks and one where you can place ads below node title (or right side of the description with some css changes.

You can place the same banner, a different banner, multiple banners, etc.
There are two positions for nodes: One where you can place ads between category blocks and one where you can place ads below node title (or right side of the description with some css changes.

You can place the same banner, a different banner, multiple banners, etc.

ok, but I can put different banners under each category blocks? and a different banners under each node title?
here sir,

i have suggestion, my user created an ad, after he creates an add, he will see my custom message
this is the screen he sees when he is ready to pay, i tell the user to start a conversation with the administrator and tell him he paid

because paypal is the enemy of the people, i dont use paypal , instead i use bitcoin and others
so i wrote instructions to user on how to send payment and where to send payment

it work great, but what is missing is a "button" called "mark as paid"

After user submits "mark as paid" the administrator should receive an alert

it would be great if "Custom payment instructions" had "mark paid "button and also "Bank transfer" because i use bank transfer for db credits


i didnt know you created bank transfer, i thought it was xenforo until you told me,
i was using bank transfer before, i changed all the phrases, it work for now, but it not perfect

i like bank transfer but very very few people send money through banks, banks are too expensvie, i use it as crypto

it would be great if u added custom payment to xenforo Payment Profiles
custom payment is simple, you just write the instructions,


tank you!!

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I have Google AdSense code ads and I have banner image ads that I sell directly. I want both the code ad and the banner ad to be displayed below top breadcrumb, but not at the same time. However they're stacking and displaying at the same time on the page.

I did see a setting titled, "Ad display limit" setting in the packages ("The maximum number of ads to display at the same time."). However if I place the Google AdSense code ads into a package, I can not place the banner image ads into the same package because they're a different type of ad (code vs. banner image).

Is there a way to randomly display in the same location, a code ad and a banner image ad without displaying more than one ad at a time?

Thanks! Love the app!
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