[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations 1.8.2

No permission to download
Been using for 2 days - we have both PayPal and Stripe options to pay. When a customer pays with Stripe, it does not give the customer their upgrade automatically. Anyone else had this issue?
Been using for 2 days - we have both PayPal and Stripe options to pay. When a customer pays with Stripe, it does not give the customer their upgrade automatically. Anyone else had this issue?
No it works absolutely fine for me. We only have stripe set up.

Are you using register with Google or Facebook? I haven't had any problems since I turned those off as sometimes it was causing a glitch where it wouldn't take them to registration screen after payment or something was happening on user end where they paid but never set up and account and ended up registering separately and it wasn't linked to payment.
No it works absolutely fine for me. We only have stripe set up.

Are you using register with Google or Facebook? I haven't had any problems since I turned those off as sometimes it was causing a glitch where it wouldn't take them to registration screen after payment or something was happening on user end where they paid but never set up and account and ended up registering separately and it wasn't linked to payment.
I have the API for Google/Facebook login turned off. Still doesn't work. Our webhook shows a 27% fail rate, so not sure what any of that means if I'm honest. Can't seem to find a win here.
I had request for Coinbase Commerce integration on your Forum, your last reply was on Dec 19, 2020.
PayPal is not avalible in my country, so i would as your to pay with credit cards or cryptocurrency ?

I would be happy if you can give me reply.

We're getting issues now with our Stripe Indian customers as they changed the banking rules in India and they're not able to do subscriptions in American dollars. Probably 20% of my customers are from India so we're losing some customers.

In the meantime I'll add a different upgrade in Indian currency but it would be awesome if there was a currency pulldown option for the upgrades so they can make the payment in their local currency which I believe will solve this problem.

We currently only use Stripe and no PayPal.
Been using for 2 days - we have both PayPal and Stripe options to pay. When a customer pays with Stripe, it does not give the customer their upgrade automatically. Anyone else had this issue?
Please submit a support ticket on our site so we can take a closer look

We're getting issues now with our Stripe Indian customers as they changed the banking rules in India and they're not able to do subscriptions in American dollars. Probably 20% of my customers are from India so we're losing some customers.

In the meantime I'll add a different upgrade in Indian currency but it would be awesome if there was a currency pulldown option for the upgrades so they can make the payment in their local currency which I believe will solve this problem.

We currently only use Stripe and no PayPal.
The best way to do this would be to create the same user upgrade in the different currency, then set that new upgrade as an "alias" in the paid registrations account types config:
Screen Shot 2022-02-20 at 10.17.14 PM.webp
@AddonFlare Does not add user upgrade for Guest Payment with registration from Stripe. Please can you check and fix this issue.


Payment provider log:

Action: Error: Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values.

User: Unknown user

Date: Today at 6:44 AM

Purchase request key: N/A

Transaction ID: evt_1KZljxBkGIL8oaER13xDnuWr

Subscriber ID: sub_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERqhWhuVRC

Payment profile: Unknown profile

Log details

array(69) {
  ["id"] => string(27) "in_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERZhsKxhT1"
  ["object"] => string(7) "invoice"
  ["account_country"] => string(2) "IT"
  ["account_name"] => string(21) "Nirjonmela Desi Forum"
  ["account_tax_ids"] => NULL
  ["amount_due"] => int(1599)
  ["amount_paid"] => int(1599)
  ["amount_remaining"] => int(0)
  ["application_fee_amount"] => NULL
  ["attempt_count"] => int(1)
  ["attempted"] => bool(true)
  ["auto_advance"] => bool(false)
  ["automatic_tax"] => array(2) {
    ["enabled"] => bool(false)
    ["status"] => NULL
  ["billing_reason"] => string(19) "subscription_create"
  ["charge"] => string(27) "ch_3KZljsBkGIL8oaER0Lt7I58m"
  ["collection_method"] => string(20) "charge_automatically"
  ["created"] => int(1646441091)
  ["currency"] => string(3) "eur"
  ["custom_fields"] => NULL
  ["customer"] => string(18) "cus_LGIIwoM4eVkcHc"
  ["customer_address"] => NULL
  ["customer_email"] => string(29) "user@gmail.com"
  ["customer_name"] => NULL
  ["customer_phone"] => NULL
  ["customer_shipping"] => NULL
  ["customer_tax_exempt"] => string(4) "none"
  ["customer_tax_ids"] => array(0) {
  ["default_payment_method"] => NULL
  ["default_source"] => NULL
  ["default_tax_rates"] => array(0) {
  ["description"] => NULL
  ["discount"] => NULL
  ["discounts"] => array(0) {
  ["due_date"] => NULL
  ["ending_balance"] => int(0)
  ["footer"] => NULL
  ["hosted_invoice_url"] => string(157) "https://invoice.stripe.com/i/acct_1CbbokBkGIL8oaER/live_YWNjdF8xQ2Jib2tCa0dJTDhvYUVSLF9MR0lLRHN5TU9nejhTcGVtNEN6UDlyOWFmWUpidjNhLDM2OTgxODk30200WPtIBpXb?s=ap"
  ["invoice_pdf"] => string(163) "https://pay.stripe.com/invoice/acct_1CbbokBkGIL8oaER/live_YWNjdF8xQ2Jib2tCa0dJTDhvYUVSLF9MR0lLRHN5TU9nejhTcGVtNEN6UDlyOWFmWUpidjNhLDM2OTgxODk30200WPtIBpXb/pdf?s=ap"
  ["last_finalization_error"] => NULL
  ["lines"] => array(5) {
    ["object"] => string(4) "list"
    ["data"] => array(1) {
      [0] => array(21) {
        ["id"] => string(27) "il_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERDdbNcqVR"
        ["object"] => string(9) "line_item"
        ["amount"] => int(1599)
        ["currency"] => string(3) "eur"
        ["description"] => string(41) "1 × Premium Member (at €15.99 / month)"
        ["discount_amounts"] => array(0) {
        ["discountable"] => bool(true)
        ["discounts"] => array(0) {
        ["livemode"] => bool(true)
        ["metadata"] => array(6) {
          ["purchasable_type_id"] => string(12) "user_upgrade"
          ["purchasable_id"] => string(1) "1"
          ["currency"] => string(3) "EUR"
          ["cost"] => string(5) "15.99"
          ["length_amount"] => string(1) "1"
          ["length_unit"] => string(5) "month"
        ["period"] => array(2) {
          ["end"] => int(1649119491)
          ["start"] => int(1646441091)
        ["plan"] => array(19) {
          ["id"] => string(45) "user_upgrade_d369c3001a839e15ccff8927487c14ae"
          ["object"] => string(4) "plan"
          ["active"] => bool(true)
          ["aggregate_usage"] => NULL
          ["amount"] => int(1599)
          ["amount_decimal"] => string(4) "1599"
          ["billing_scheme"] => string(8) "per_unit"
          ["created"] => int(1572866281)
          ["currency"] => string(3) "eur"
          ["interval"] => string(5) "month"
          ["interval_count"] => int(1)
          ["livemode"] => bool(true)
          ["metadata"] => array(6) {
            ["purchasable_type_id"] => string(12) "user_upgrade"
            ["purchasable_id"] => string(1) "1"
            ["currency"] => string(3) "EUR"
            ["cost"] => string(5) "15.99"
            ["length_amount"] => string(1) "1"
            ["length_unit"] => string(5) "month"
          ["nickname"] => NULL
          ["product"] => string(45) "user_upgrade_d369c3001a839e15ccff8927487c14ae"
          ["tiers_mode"] => NULL
          ["transform_usage"] => NULL
          ["trial_period_days"] => NULL
          ["usage_type"] => string(8) "licensed"
        ["price"] => array(18) {
          ["id"] => string(45) "user_upgrade_d369c3001a839e15ccff8927487c14ae"
          ["object"] => string(5) "price"
          ["active"] => bool(true)
          ["billing_scheme"] => string(8) "per_unit"
          ["created"] => int(1572866281)
          ["currency"] => string(3) "eur"
          ["livemode"] => bool(true)
          ["lookup_key"] => NULL
          ["metadata"] => array(6) {
            ["purchasable_type_id"] => string(12) "user_upgrade"
            ["purchasable_id"] => string(1) "1"
            ["currency"] => string(3) "EUR"
            ["cost"] => string(5) "15.99"
            ["length_amount"] => string(1) "1"
            ["length_unit"] => string(5) "month"
          ["nickname"] => NULL
          ["product"] => string(45) "user_upgrade_d369c3001a839e15ccff8927487c14ae"
          ["recurring"] => array(5) {
            ["aggregate_usage"] => NULL
            ["interval"] => string(5) "month"
            ["interval_count"] => int(1)
            ["trial_period_days"] => NULL
            ["usage_type"] => string(8) "licensed"
          ["tax_behavior"] => string(11) "unspecified"
          ["tiers_mode"] => NULL
          ["transform_quantity"] => NULL
          ["type"] => string(9) "recurring"
          ["unit_amount"] => int(1599)
          ["unit_amount_decimal"] => string(4) "1599"
        ["proration"] => bool(false)
        ["proration_details"] => array(1) {
          ["credited_items"] => NULL
        ["quantity"] => int(1)
        ["subscription"] => string(28) "sub_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERqhWhuVRC"
        ["subscription_item"] => string(17) "si_LGIK1bDKlV6XvQ"
        ["tax_amounts"] => array(0) {
        ["tax_rates"] => array(0) {
        ["type"] => string(12) "subscription"
    ["has_more"] => bool(false)
    ["total_count"] => int(1)
    ["url"] => string(46) "/v1/invoices/in_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERZhsKxhT1/lines"
  ["livemode"] => bool(true)
  ["metadata"] => array(0) {
  ["next_payment_attempt"] => NULL
  ["number"] => string(13) "D524335E-0001"
  ["on_behalf_of"] => NULL
  ["paid"] => bool(true)
  ["paid_out_of_band"] => bool(false)
  ["payment_intent"] => string(27) "pi_3KZljsBkGIL8oaER0tfHSxQM"
  ["payment_settings"] => array(2) {
    ["payment_method_options"] => NULL
    ["payment_method_types"] => NULL
  ["period_end"] => int(1646441091)
  ["period_start"] => int(1646441091)
  ["post_payment_credit_notes_amount"] => int(0)
  ["pre_payment_credit_notes_amount"] => int(0)
  ["quote"] => NULL
  ["receipt_number"] => string(9) "2636-9012"
  ["starting_balance"] => int(0)
  ["statement_descriptor"] => NULL
  ["status"] => string(4) "paid"
  ["status_transitions"] => array(4) {
    ["finalized_at"] => int(1646441091)
    ["marked_uncollectible_at"] => NULL
    ["paid_at"] => int(1646441091)
    ["voided_at"] => NULL
  ["subscription"] => string(28) "sub_1KZljrBkGIL8oaERqhWhuVRC"
  ["subtotal"] => int(1599)
  ["tax"] => NULL
  ["test_clock"] => NULL
  ["total"] => int(1599)
  ["total_discount_amounts"] => array(0) {
  ["total_tax_amounts"] => array(0) {
  ["transfer_data"] => NULL
  ["webhooks_delivered_at"] => NULL
  ["eventType"] => string(25) "invoice.payment_succeeded"

Also made bug report to Xenforo: https://xenforo.com/community/threa...ntain-the-expected-values.204069/post-1565326
Last edited:
How do I hide the free registration column on this page?

Prior, I used this code:

html[data-logged-in="false"] div.accountType[data-id="22"]




Post update, it stopped working.
This is a really great addon, just wanted to say it's worth every cent. Is there any way I can make it so a user can donate without a time limit? Basically, I would like to say something like "Donate $10" and have them simply donate to that either once or as many times as they like with no limits. I'm sure the options is there but I'm just not seeing it.
We got this working! AddOnFlare messaged me :) . There was some bad code in extra.less.

I agree, Paid Registration is a really great addon. The 100% off coupons are a nice touch. The coupon make current users feel very special and reinforce the value of monthly membership.
Presale question.

I think that this addon is what I need. Question is if I can buy the 3 months license and, if everything goes as I hope, upgrade to the lifetime version paying the difference.
Presale question.

I think that this addon is what I need. Question is if I can buy the 3 months license and, if everything goes as I hope, upgrade to the lifetime version paying the difference.
Ehm, no one replied. Do I've to think that the support isn't as expected or is just a matter of lack of time in this specific moment?
Cute, maybe someone can also reply to the pre-sale questions if they want to show that, after purchase, they have the best support.

In any case I don't need any answer since I've solved my need in another way...
Support is great 👍 Seriously I've literally made thousands and thousands from this add-on. 1000% worth it.
Question for anyone running "Paid Registrations", do you have the elegant display for the user account upgrades page for registered users turned on or off?

I go back and forth on which one I want to use. :unsure:
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