[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)
EWRporta2_Article_Tags doesn't exist... what are you trying to do here? If you want to put tags into your article bit, you need to do the code yourself. If you want to just use tags as categories, you can just use the same templates as the category.
EWRporta2_Article_Tags does exist, it's called inside Article View. What I want is to show the same thing we can see regarding tags (excent the text box) inside the ArticleList Bit Widget. I thought by copying this code it would work ^^' I'll look into it then.
EWRporta2_Article_Tags does exist, it's called inside Article View. What I want is to show the same thing we can see regarding tags (excent the text box) inside the ArticleList Bit Widget. I thought by copying this code it would work ^^' I'll look into it then.
Try the attached model. Its hard to write features for things I will NEVER use.


@Jaxel the tabbed threads widget doesn't seem to load the first tab. I specified forums for 3 tabs as a test. Tab 2 and 3 show threads. No matter the date cut off, which or how many forums I select that first tab shows no threads.
Working fine for me...
I can't make it work. Disabled all other addons, there is no way this is configured wrong.

However trying something unecessary for giggles.
<li id="tabThreads1">
                    <xen:include template="EWRwidget_TabThreads_Simple" />
<li id="tabThreads1" data-loadUrl="{xen:link widgets/tabthreads}?tab=1&wid={$wWidlink}&pos={$wScale}">
                        <span class="jsOnly">{xen:phrase loading}...</span>
                        <noscript><a href="{xen:link widgets/tabthreads}?tab=&wid={$wWidlink}">{xen:phrase view}</a></noscript>
Tab loads fine everytime.

It's okay even with that "fix", I am having the lovely issue of this not "working" "at all" on my other site. The problem I had back on XP1 in testing is back. Changing tabs loads the content of the index page (whatever it is set to at that time) or another copy of itself. Never found out what caused it. Entirely different server config.
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Actually @Jaxel i think i figured out the problem I am having with the other site. Can you confirm that having friendly URL's off breaks the tabbed threads widget? Seems to like to load the index page content or another copy of the widget upon changing tabs a couple of times. Friendly URL's on the problem doesn't occur.
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Actually @Jaxel i think i figured out the problem I am having with the other site. Can you confirm that having friendly URL's off breaks the tabbed threads widget? Seems to like to load the index page content or another copy of the widget upon changing tabs a couple of times. Friendly URL's on the problem doesn't occur.
Upgrade the widget with this XML file, tell me if it fixes it:


Upgrade the widget with this XML file, tell me if it fixes it:
That does appear to fix the issue. I wasn't expecting a fix but thank you. I had just happened to turn off friendly url's while testing XP2 on that site. I had the issue back on XP1 with recentthreadsx5. It makes sense that if the URL was "wrong" that the data returned would be from the index.

I am really impressed with your communication and support recently.
It appeared to be a compound problem. It only appears if your article list isn't set as your forum index route, AND friendly URLs are turned off.
It doesn't make sense to wait for the next release because you get a lifetime license. You might as well get it now.
Yeah, well thats cheeky. I'll get it when I want, once I've confirmed its at a stage thats right for me to buy. Now xenatendo is included, off I go :D
Hi Jaxel,
I got the license through founding on Pozible and the download-link you send me will expire soon. Now I'm wondering how I can download the files here on xenforo.com?

Would it be possible to add more than one Twitter account to the Twitter widget? I had a WordPress Twitter widget which allowed me to add more than one account.

It also had hash tag filtering for key words.
Jaxel, I promoted an article to a feature and used custom except text.... on submit I get an error that I've not inserted any custom exerpt... but I did. I guess this is a bug... can anyone else reproduce?
I have had to re-make the featured slider images to go with some threads as I changed the sizes. It appears the featured slider is cached and I cant get the new images to come through. I've re-promoted them to a feature and added the new images but nothing changes, even with a hard refresh. Does anyone know a way to kick it up the behind and get it to recache?

I've tried deleting the feature promotion and recreating it but the slider still caches the old image. I'm using a CDN, but I feel this should not matter... could the front-end maybe use a cachebuster on the imageurl?

I'd say this should be classed as another bug because clearly we should be able to change featured images if we choose.
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Hi Jaxel,
I got the license through founding on Pozible and the download-link you send me will expire soon. Now I'm wondering how I can download the files here on xenforo.com?

You can't download paid addons through xenforo. You should contact him if you ever can't download your file. However you should also think about using cloud storage or something to keep the files. Fetchapp supports saving straight to dropbox so that's a great route.
Hi Jaxel,
I got the license through founding on Pozible and the download-link you send me will expire soon. Now I'm wondering how I can download the files here on xenforo.com?
Updates automatically get sent out.

Jaxel, I promoted an article to a feature and used custom except text.... on submit I get an error that I've not inserted any custom exerpt... but I did. I guess this is a bug... can anyone else reproduce?
Try the attached two models.


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