[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)
From the looks of it... no one is supporting this thread... no questions are being answered. Is there support for it somewhere else? Well... this question probably won't get answered either.
Hi, with every custom style you can have some trouble.
It works fine in the default style. It works fine in my PixelExit Styles after some color changes.
The developers can´t try every style for their addons. That´s your job.
And i think, with UI.X it is sure that you have to made some changes too.
I am trying to figure out how to get the portal/articles to open in the Home page when typing the home page URL and also using the Home tab from the forums index page.

home page URL is www.domain.com (example only) and the XF forum is installed on www.domain.com/forums (example only)

I have the following settings below this post text... and when adding "articles/" in the Index Page Route... the home/portal/articles page has /forums on the end of it and when I open the forums index page it has /forums/forums/ on the URL. I would like the portal/articles page to open with www.domain.com and the forums to open on www.domain.com/forums.


Did you install your forums inside the directory /forums/?

Move it to the root domain.com, install XenPorta and set your index route as articles/

This will make it so your xenporta is loaded when you go to domain.com and your forums get pushed automatically to domain.com/forums (even though your xenforo wouldn't be installed there).
I have these error, do you have an idea ?
Those errors seem related to your own custom widget... I can't give support on that. But it looks like you're trying to do foreach on empty arrays. You should use content checks for that.

Can this be installed with UI.X theme without any issues?

Hell if I know... Ask on the UI.X support threads.

I already did and as explained above... it does not work for my setup.
XenPorta2 can only exist within XenForo; its a XenForo addon. If you want it to be in the root, you need to either install XF on the root, or use some sort of htaccess configuration to route your root to your forum directory.
I now have XF on the root ... and everything is working fine for the forums. Uninstalled XenPorta 2 and reinstalled it. Before putting articles/ in the Index Page Route setting, I can click on my root URL the forum board shows up like it should. Clicking on the Home tab that links to root/URL gives me a 404 error. Then if I put articles/ in the Index Page Route... the root URL pulls up the articles page... but then the Forums tab that links to root/forums gives me a 404 error. Something is messed up... and it's all a clean install.
.htaccess was the culprit. When I moved the /forums/ folders and files over to public_html/ ... .htaccess did not copy for some reason. Uploaded it from the install files and everything started working like it should. Thanks!
Hi Jaxel,

Sorry if this question has been asked many times, wanted to know if its possible to grab wordpress posts i have to automatically post on the portal allowing me to make my forums both a forums and cms.

I am stuck with a caching issue for the features slider.

The video plays once, however when you reload the page, come back to it later, etc, it no longer shows up.

@Jaxel Any idea on this?


It has to do with UI.X, contacting ThemeHouse about it.
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@Jaxel Not sure if this is something you can fix on your end, of if this would be up to ThemeHouse (UI.X), as you can see below, the html isnt fully loading (showing the iframe, etc) when UI.X is enabled.

With UI.X

Without UI.X

I would like to put some Google Adsense on my frontpage (which is xenporta 2). I use ads manager by Siropu. But I do not see where I have to insert what so that it is displayed on xenporta: Do I need to create a widget? If yes, what kind of widget?

I would like to put some Google Adsense on my frontpage (which is xenporta 2). I use ads manager by Siropu. But I do not see where I have to insert what so that it is displayed on xenporta: Do I need to create a widget? If yes, what kind of widget?

It says it comes with 40 widgets and #17 on the list is Google Adsense. My guess is you create it and then place it on the layout page where you want it to show up.

@anyone who knows: Any idea what the little gray square box with the + sign does? I see it opens up a dialog box with "Save Changes" option, but what exactly is it that is being saved?

It says it comes with 40 widgets and #17 on the list is Google Adsense. My guess is you create it and then place it on the layout page where you want it to show up.

I do not see a widget for Google adsense in ACP. It is not listed in the options if you create a new widget.

additionally, I am not sure whether that would work, since I do not want to place an adsense code directly into it. I need something that works with ads manager by Siropu. Would I need as a renderer than a html widget or a phpcall back widget?
I do not see a widget for Google adsense in ACP. It is not listed in the options if you create a new widget.

additionally, I am not sure whether that would work, since I do not want to place an adsense code directly into it. I need something that works with ads manager by Siropu. Would I need as a renderer than a html widget or a phpcall back widget?

The Xenporta 2 Article page doesn't block ads placed on header, footer, below or above bread crumbs or sidebar!
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