100% Ground Up CentminMod Server Setup & Optimization Saving You Money On Hosting

Like others, I gave Brent’s services a try to see if we could reduce our monthly server costs for a friend’s site. Not only did we manage to significantly reduce our monthly bills, our infrastructure has greatly improved with much more reliable backup, cdn and email systems in place.

Great communication and even better results. Would highly recommend Brent. Thanks! :)

Thanks for the review :)
Brent took care of my forum quite well. He configured every aspect of all the moving parts and gave me a full write up on maintaining the moving parts in the future. This has helped us move to a lot better set up that is future proof. Gave me the much needed impetus to move over to CentOS instead of my ghetto Ubuntu that I was running.
Brent took care of my forum quite well. He configured every aspect of all the moving parts and gave me a full write up on maintaining the moving parts in the future. This has helped us move to a lot better set up that is future proof. Gave me the much needed impetus to move over to CentOS instead of my ghetto Ubuntu that I was running.

Thanks for the review :)
For those interested in the service please provide the following so that I can quickly give you a quote:

Current hosting costs
Current hosting specifications (Processor(s), RAM, Disk Size etc
Link to your forum
Total Database size
Total Attachment size

I should be able to give you a quote as soon as I receive and read your message. :)
Just made Brent the new adminsitrator of the infra of my forum and he has been really responsive and fast for what I have needed. The whole setup took only some hours and everything (email, VPS, backup, etc..) was already working amazingly.
Thanks for the review Daniel :)

I am all caught up with clients now. If you are interested in my services I can get started right away.
Hi everyone,

If any of my existing for future clients refer someone to me, I will offer a $50 flat referral fee after payment and services are rendered. A way of saying thank you for not only being a client but for referring work to me. :)

If anyone is interested in hearing how I can drastically save you money from your dedicated server, please PM me!
Brent set up a recommended server for me earlier this year. Saved me some money and a much higher spec!

There was a slight issue last week that took my sites down but Brent was on it in 2 minutes and took care of the issue completely.

Great service, thanks Brent.
I worked with Brent over the past week or so to migrate from cPanel to Centminmod on a new server.

After almost 15 years on cPanel, I am finally off and not paying the extra $$$ on monthly basis. In 2012, I tried litespeed, performance was little better but now I will not be paying litespeed as well! My first site, setup in 2003-03-28 (date from current cpanel server) on cPanel moved from one server to another, from one host to another with cpanel. I am happy to say that I am no longer depended on it and it would not have been possible without Brent's help.

Running on centminmod, the server is fast and snappy. The websites which have been moved so far are responsive and loading fast. It sure will take me some time to get used to new setup.

From my first contact with Brent about setting up the new server to slew of questions I had about the new setup, Brent has been delightful to work with. Good communication and great service! Thanks Brent.
I worked with Brent over the past week or so to migrate from cPanel to Centminmod on a new server.

After almost 15 years on cPanel, I am finally off and not paying the extra $$$ on monthly basis. In 2012, I tried litespeed, performance was little better but now I will not be paying litespeed as well! My first site, setup in 2003-03-28 (date from current cpanel server) on cPanel moved from one server to another, from one host to another with cpanel. I am happy to say that I am no longer depended on it and it would not have been possible without Brent's help.

Running on centminmod, the server is fast and snappy. The websites which have been moved so far are responsive and loading fast. It sure will take me some time to get used to new setup.

From my first contact with Brent about setting up the new server to slew of questions I had about the new setup, Brent has been delightful to work with. Good communication and great service! Thanks Brent.

Thanks for the follow up review. Happy to work with you as well!
URGENT: If Brent W configured your site check your server! Mine has had CryptoMining scripts running since last year without my knowledge.

Full details available from me on request.

100% confirmed and validated by IP.
URGENT: If Brent W configured your site check your server! Mine has had CryptoMining scripts running since last year without my knowledge.

Full details available from me on request.

100% confirmed and validated by IP.

Any customer is free to have a 3rd party inspect their servers at my cost if they so choose to. None of my clients servers has mining software running on their server. @Mackeral_Fillet did and it was the exception.
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