
  1. PabloC

    XF 2.2 after migrating forum got memecached fatal error

    I am no expert at all, so I hope you could help me. I migrated my forum from a dedicated server to a hosting account, and i got this error [21-Nov-2023 14:29:14 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught LogicException: Cannot load Memcached cache provider without Memcached in...
  2. H

    Settings to Optimize Page Loading Speed

    From my experience, I would like to share some ways to speed up page loading (apart from adding server hardware configuration). Hope it helps someone in need. 1. Enable HTTP2 and Brotli (if your webserver supports it) 2. Install and configure Zend Opcache to speed up PHP processing and reduce...
  3. nodle

    Memcached with a socket

    Can someone tell me which is the correct way to use memcached with a socket? Is it: $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['provider'] = 'Memcached'; $config['cache']['config'] = [ 'server' => '' ]; Or: $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['provider']...
  4. eva2000

    XF 2.0 Using libmemcached backend cache ?

    I am still on XF 1.5 and haven't touched XF 2 since the betas right now but need clarification as to whether XF 2 supports using Libmemcached backend cache for memcached pecl php usage as opposed to Memcached backend using memcache pecl php extension usage ? PHP 7.3 seems to lack memcache pecl...
  5. MattW

    XF 2.0 config.php memcached

    Apologies if I've missed something really obvious, but what are the settings that are needed for config.php in XF2 to enable Memcached as the back end cache? I've tried searching, but only Redis comes up in the results. Thanks :)
  6. Brent W

    100% Ground Up CentminMod Server Setup & Optimization Saving You Money On Hosting

    Hello everyone, For over 3 years now I have been working with to setup all of our servers that we have used on Through that time I have found the best things that works for us when it comes to XenForo through constant testing. What has...
  7. CTXMedia

    XF 1.5 cacheSessions: does it only use the configured backend cache or can it be pointed at another cache?

    I've been tweaking my server today and replaced my Libmemcached backend cache with APCu because it's faster (in my set-up). Unfortunately, with cacheSessions enabled everyone gets logged out anytime you stop/start or restart Apache because it flushes the APCu cache. The "fix" was removing the...
  8. A

    XF 1.4 Problem with favicon

    For the life of me I can't figure out what's wrong. We just launched after migrating from vb4. See - Covering CU-Boulder Athletics We are running nginx + pagespeed on Xenforo 1.4.10 using memcached. In the root location of our server we have the favicon we want, but when it gets...
  9. bloop

    Memcached PHP Extension Not installing...

    I ran yum install memcached.x86_64 php-pecl-memcache.x86_64 configured memcached then checked for PHP extension but no can be found... yum remove php-pecl-memcache.x86_64 then I did yum install php-pecl-memcached.x86_64 still no memcache extension. When I run netstat -tulpn |...
  10. Puntocom

    XF 1.4 Blank page when I enable memcached in one forum (another forum in the same server works fine)

    Hello. I run a VPS with two XenForo installations. Memcached is working fine in one forum but, when I enable it in the other forum (same server) I get a blank page. $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['cacheSessions'] = true; $config['cache']['backend'] = 'Memcached'...
  11. Live Free

    help with memcached

    I've had issues with this in the past but it had been sorted. Presently I suspect memecached isn't working properly as I notice no difference in page speed/Insights rating when toggled. Server-side, EasyApache does not list memcache as installed. However, when I view phpinfo() through the...
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