
  1. DreamNetworks

    Unmaintained [DN] - InfoPanels Options 1.0.1

    This addon brings extra options to the [DBTech] - DragonByte InfoPanels
  2. M

    Not a bug Rich Snippets - Missing Url

    Hi there, I have noted that Rich Snippets Testing tool show a new error about "Missing URL". You can check it here: https://search.google.com/test/rich-results/result?id=x-WdPtiiTAGOxbizbG0SKw I have found the same error also on my installation. How this can be fixed?
  3. Osman

    Revolution Pro 2.2.13

    Revolution Pro is a fully responsive clean, stunning, and modern XenForo theme. This design is a great decision, if you would like to easy to use website for your visitors and present your website skills and business in the modern way. With the professional structure of website, you are...
  4. M

    XF 2.2 How to use the Canonical option in the nodes?

    Hi there, I have seen an useful future in the node: "Canonical Urls". I was testing it because I need to set as canonical, the contents token from this node, that are been moved also in an other section (this new must be set as canonical) and just adding the link (in this section as "Canonical...
  5. M

    Implemented Update Cookie Banner compliant to GDPR

    Hi there I want propose the implementation of the Cookie Banner to be compliant to the GDPR law we have in Europe. Right now the banner have only the possibility to click on "Accept" and this is not accordant with the law we have here about the privacy policy. To be legal here, that banner must...
  6. M

    Not planned Better Seo Sitemap

    Hi there, I have noted something on the sitemaps. First of all Xenforo use the file sitemap.php to generate the sitemap. Often is that is given to the crawlers and also to Google, but IMHO I think that is not a great idea because Google have to convert the file, to generate the right xml...
  7. M

    Not planned Better SEO for Threads

    Hi there, I have noted that the Tags hx on the threads seems not be fully optimized. This create confusion for the search engines to index better the contents. Here an example. In this case about a thread token here for test, this one: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/upgrade-help.194097/...
  8. R

    Not a bug Getting endpoint cannot be found

    hello, i am hitting api from postman and i am getting the same error every time regarding my endpoints are not found i am attaching screenshot of postman also i am send super user xf-api-key with every request. kindly suggest what should i do to solve this issue. Thanks
  9. Baby Community

    MG 2.2 Use XenForo Media Gallery 2.2.2 for Xenforo 2.2.2?

    site: https://www.bebekforum.net.tr/ xenforo license version: xenforo2.2.2 PHP version: 7.4.16 Is Media Gallery 2.2.2 used for the version 2.2.2 of xenforo I use?
  10. Feline Forums

    (Outdated) Cat Discussions Forum!

    This thread is ourdated, please refer to my Feline Forums post.
  11. C

    Xenforo Cookies broke üäö subpages

    Hello! I switched from apache to nginx. Good. I have the forum in the root and a /wiki. If I want to go to a wiki page with a üö or ä the ü get to a ü and so far so that I can't join the page. If I delete the cookies it works. But with apache it worked every time. Why XenForo Cookies do that...
  12. N

    How I Find Angel Investors For My Unque Website Idea?

    How can I find?
  13. Mendalla

    Using Xenforo to power a small organization's website?

    I am contemplating rejoining the church that I was a member of through most of the noughties and, as happened the first time I joined, their website has fallen a bit ... stale (that time I ended up as their webmaster for about 3 years until I decided I wanted to move to worship team, which is my...
  14. Masetrix

    German language - extended translation for XenForo 2.2.1 a

    German language for XenForo 2.2.1 that does not use personal addressing. Likewise, the problem of translations for "Likes" is avoided by the above-linked addon splitting the corresponding phrase and making the "Likes" button "Rate". If a rating is selected, this value appears instead of the...
  15. Old Nick

    XenForo Ressource Manager - FRENCH translation [Deleted]

    Nikodak submitted a new resource: XFRM 2.2 FRENCH Translation - Full French translation for XFRM 2.2 Read more about this resource...
  16. Venthas

    XF 2.1 Invision 4.5.2 to XenForo 2.1

    Importing Invision 4.5.2 to XenForo 2.1, when the Files are hosted on am s3 bucket appears to be broken. Reproducing: On Invision: With "Storage Configuration" (system > files > storage settings > Configurations), setup an Amazon s3 bucket. Under Storage Settings, swap all settings to use an s3...
  17. chrisc132

    Moving from PHPBB

    Hi there, I've just started a forum with PHPBB as there was minimal cost involved. If the forum works, then I'll be investing more in it. By that I mean, upgrading forum software and switching to Xenforo. Can you tell me if it's an easy process to migrate from the latest version of phpbb to...
  18. Daniele Guidi

    Guys, how do you install XenForo?

    Guys, how do you install XenForo? My name is Daniele and I'm Italian. I discovered this fourm today, and I think it's a good one for me. I wanted to ask you if there is the possibility to install XenForo on your pc, to create a personal forum. Sorry, but I'm a neophyte in this field. Could you...
  19. Osman

    Ryzer Pro 2.2.13

    It has exciting features and excellent code quality.It has been designed and developed after thorough research to cater the requirements of people who interested in building user based directories. The design is contemporary but at the same time it focuses on the usability, visual hierarchy and...
  20. Baby Community

    Want to use wordpress with xenforo? Or would you like to use xenportal with xenforo?

    Want to use wordpress with xenforo? Or would you like to use xenportal with xenforo? If you write your reason for preference in detail, i will be very happy.
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