
  1. XenConcept

    Unmaintained [XenConcept] Username Change 2.1.9

    This add-on allows the user to change their username. You can set a day number between each change. The user can make his change private so as not to show it to the other users. You can delete the change history. User "test"
  2. XenConcept

    [XenConcept] Maintenance Page 2.1.2

    Feature Summary Fully Responsive Permission usergroup (Option) Countdown This addon allows you to create a maintenance page when it is enabled. You can select the user groups that will not see the page. You can easily edit the page title (brower), description title, and description content...
  3. XenConcept

    [XenConcept] Youtube Video Profile 2.0.3 Patch Level 1

    Feature Summary Autoplay video Use system Widget Usergroup permission This addon Allows member to add a youtube video on their profile. You could change the location using the widget system.
  4. XenConcept

    [XenConcept] Hide links / Medias / Images (BbCode) to guests 2.1.9

    Feature Summary Enable Disable restrict Hide links on posts to guests Customize the error message Site Web whitelist This add-on allows you to hide your link to visitors. You can customize the error message with the template "xc_hide_link_from_guests_bb_code_hide_links_visitor" Demo : here
  5. Neal

    Frontier Developments making the move to XenForo

    It would seem Frontier Developments are changing their forum software to XenForo when xF 2.0 is released :) https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/378489-Forum-Downtime-Evening-of-Sept-25-into-morning-of-the-26th?p=5949592&viewfull=1#post5949592
  6. T

    xenforo expert needed for customisation and mods

    We are looking for xenForo Developer to add 5-6 new mods to our forums. Here is what I need to be done for reference: - Custom New Thread Options - Reputaion System - Points System - Vote up & Vote Down for particular thread - Member Ranking System Also I want front page for my...
  7. YannPL

    Clickbank + Aweber + Xenforo

    Hi there, I'd like to have an integration between Clickbank + Aweber + Xenforo. Actually, I want that people who order and pay via Clickbank automatically have access to the Xenforo forum with a password AND are added to a specific list on Aweber. How can I do this? Many thanks. Cheers*
  8. Sobolev

    Xenforo 2.0 Beta

    When release a Xenforo 2.0 Beta?
  9. E

    Complaint | Cracked Xenforo

    Hello, I am French, I am sorry for the mistakes of spells. I just posted a Forum Xenforo that was first cracked and secondly the footer does not display : Forum software by XenForo ™ © 2010-2017 XenForo Ltd. How do I know that this forum does not have a legal license? For the simple reason that...
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