[n] Best Answer / Q&A System

Unmaintained [n] Best Answer / Q&A System 1.1.2

No permission to buy (£25.00)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
nanocode License Agreement: https://nanocode.io/products/license-agreement
Updates duration
6 months support & updates included (renewable)
Visible branding
Yes, but removable with payment
This add-on adds the functionality to make a Q&A/support/best answer system on your forum. This is best suited for forums that give support or is a question/answer forum.


* This add-on does not add any additional queries to thread load! We built this add-on to focus on performance.

Did you want to make a fully interactive support forum? What about a Q&A forum? Something along those lines? Maybe something like this?

Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 22.19.42.png

Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 22.19.51.png

Well, here's the perfect add-on to do just that!

This add-on allows users with the correct permission to vote for posts. The top voted post that exceeds the threshold, defined in the add-on's options, is set as the thread's best answer. The thread's best answer has its post background colour changed to a colour defined in the style properties. A ribbon is shown next to the post (option in the admin CP). There is also a little box at the top, we call it the mini display, which shows a shortened version of the post with a link to the post, the user's avatar, the post date, the user's username and a few nice looking buttons (go to post and best answer, both are phrases and the text can easily be changed).

A copy of these instructions, and more information, can be found in README.txt after downloading. Configuration options are also explained in README.txt

1. Unzip BestAnswer.zip
2. Upload the contents of the upload directory to your XenForo installation
3. Install the add-on by either of the following methods
Admin CP -> Add-ons -> Install Add-on ->
Install from file on server:
Install from uploaded file:
Upload addon-BestAnswer.xml
4. The add-on should now install, and a short rebuilding process should occur. Once done, the installation has been successful!

1 new table:
  • ba_votes
1 column added in xf_user:
  • bestanswers
1 column added in xf_thread:
  • bestanswer
  • ba_alternativeanswers
1 column added in xf_post:
  • ba_votes

This add-on makes a callback to Apantic's servers. This is an API callback. No information about your server other than the board URL is passed. This URL is not stored anywhere on Apantic's server, it is simply used to check whether or not your license has branding removal.

This add-on can be purchased by the automatic system on nanocode's Products website.
Payments can be made via PayPal, Bitcoin, UK Bank Transfer or International Bank Transfer (you may want to enquire about fees, more times than not the fees will be 3-4x the price of this add-on).

This add-on is distributed under the terms of the nanocode product license agreement. See: https://nanocode.io/products/license-agreement

Importing from Mark Posts as Best Answer
An importer is available as of version 1.0.2 to import your data from Mark Posts as Best Answer. Importing is a little bit sketchy because, coincidentally, both Best Answer by nanocode and Mark Posts as Best Answer use the same add-on ID and directory layout. As of 1.0.2 the add-on ID has changed from BestAnswer to ApanticBestAnswer. If you're using version 1.0.1, please uninstall the add-on and reinstall it if you have no data, or if you have data set your board into debug mode, edit the add-on's ID to ApanticBestAnswer. Coming onto the second problem, both add-ons use the same directory layout. Therefore the following instructions have been made. As to note with any importing process, please backup your database. nanocode will not be liable for any loss of data. Before these steps, please disable access to your board (untick the Board Active setting).

1. Disable Mark Posts as Best Answer (not uninstall)
2. Rename the directory /library/BestAnswer to something else (such as /library/BAByLior)
3. Install Best Answer by Apantic as normal using the instructions above. There should be no conflict as the old directory has been renamed
4. Go to Tools -> Import External Data and select Best Answer by Lior => Best Answer by Apantic
5. Enter your database information (in most cases this will be your current XenForo database, so get the information from /library/config.php) and hit Validate Configuration
6. Run the importer as normal. Continue to next step once the importer has completed (it has been made efficiently to avoid any problems, it should be done soon enough depending on the size of your board)
7. Rename /library/BestAnswer to something else (such as /library/BAByApantic) and rename Lior's Mark Posts as Best Answer back to /library/BestAnswer
8. Uninstall Lior's Mark Posts as Best Answer and remove /library/BestAnswer and /js/bestanswer after a successful uninstallation
9. Rename Best Answer by Apantic back to /library/BestAnswer and enable it in Admin CP

Importing complete! It seems much more complicated than it actually is, and most of the complication is just getting your head around which folder you need to rename. We've tried our best to ensure it is as simple as possible. If you need any support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank You
Last but certainly not least, a huge thank you to the following users, in no particular order.
batpool for pointing me in the right direction multiple times and assisting with some parts of the code (esp. caching data).
Chris D for, again, pointing me in the right direction and for constantly helping with problems that kept coming up.
digitalpoint for assisting with the caching problem with query overload and providing a solution.

There are also others who assisted, you know who you are. Thank you so much! You've helped me get to this point, and hopefully there will be lots more achievements to come.
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First release
Last update


2.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1.1.2 update

    Callbacks removed. It is important all customers upgrade to this version. If you need...
  2. Update (feat. branding removal changes)

    Branding changes: Branding callbacks will now be made every 24 hours. If you have branding...
  3. 1.1.1 Update

    Bug fix: Fixed clash with other add-ons that also utilise queries in post, as well as potential...

Latest reviews

Not worth the money.
Getting many callback and CP errors when Apantic servers are down. https://www.apantic.com/threads/callback-and-cp-errors.48/
The button addon is "hidden" among other buttons so most users just don't use it. Some ideas were suggested here, but make no real difference: https://www.apantic.com/threads/best-answer-roadmap.75/#post-509
Best answer style looks quite old-fashioned, it would be nice to get a more modern output.
The developer sorted the compatibility problem with Quick Reply for Guest addon. To be honest, that's the most positive part of this addon: developer always reply.
Just expected no problem at all from an expensive addon like this one.
Furthermore, £50 are required to remove branding.
Unfortunately I can't exactly address this. Some things simply didn't match what you looked for, which is common with pre-made add-ons, but we try to act upon any feedback given, and the roadmaps we posted are an example of that.

I did ask you specifically what you suggested us to do, and you said you weren't a designer. I don't think you can blame us for not implementing change if we don't know what you want [https://www.apantic.com/threads/best-answer-roadmap.75/#post-510].

New output is planned for 2.0, but again, I'm not sure what you mean and we had no suggestions indicating a new layout (other than from Alfa1).

Other than that, I can't really address the cost of the branding. Branding removal is standard and it allows us to sell add-ons cheaper, allowing prices we lose selling add-ons for cheaper to be made up by branding removal licenses.

I'm sorry you didn't fully feel the product was suitable for your needs, but as always, we'd be available to hear your feedback.
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