XR Product Manager

XR Product Manager [Paid] 2.0.2

No permission to buy (£30.00)
Is there any way to remove version Requirement from Products?

I believe if you can tell me which file to edit (if it needs file edit), I can do the changes on my own.

Thank you
Potentially not.

The cost of hosting the website and the domain name currently exceeds sales.

It will continue to be supported though.
Potentially not.

The cost of hosting the website and the domain name currently exceeds sales.

It will continue to be supported though.

Would it be possible to purchase the addon still before things close up for good? Have a new website that really needs the product manager - unless there's some grand huge top secret master plan to integrate product manager into RM.
unless there's some grand huge top secret master plan to integrate product manager into RM.

Would it be possible to purchase the addon still before things close up for good?
Sure. Just make a payment and I’ll PM you the download.

There is no API support but with XF 2.1 and above obviously you can create your own AAPI endpoints to interact with this add-on if you wish.
Hello Chris,

I have a client with an XF 1.5 board that I upgraded to 2.2.4. He purchased this upgraded addon a couple of days ago. When I try to install it, it stays on this screen forever:


Taking a look at mytop, I can't see that it's stuck running database queries, and I'm at a loss as to where it's stuck. Do you have any suggestions?
I don't fathom why there'd be any issues there. That step runs a fairly innocuous query:

            ALTER TABLE `xenproduct_version`
                ADD COLUMN `is_unsupported` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `version_details`

Does simply refreshing the page or re-running the upgrade get it to continue? Can you see if that query actually took effect?
I tried refreshing it, and starting over.

It looks like it made it past the table changes at some point. There are no xenproduct_* tables at this point, but there are these:

I can restore the xenproduct tables and restart if you think that might help. I don't know for certain because it originally happened while unattended, but there's always a possibility it crashed at some point.
Chris I'm cleaning up some things and wanted to see if I'm missing any functionality to remove pending orders. Would the only way of doing this in bulk be inside the DB?

Something like this?

DELETE FROM xf_xr_pm_product_purchase WHERE purchase_state = 'pending'
To add to this, I tried again from the start on a fresh Xenforo 2 upgrade, still the same issue, it upgrades forever.
Ok. Thanks for the update.

If you can make a dump of all of the xenproduct tables (pre upgrade) then either email them to me at chris@deemit.co.uk or attach them to a conversation here I’ll take a closer look.
Chris D updated XR Product Manager with a new update entry:

Fixes upgrade issues

Users wishing to upgrade Xen Product Manager 1.x to XR Product Manager 2.x may have encountered one or more issues.

This update resolves those issues.

No other changes have been made so if you were already using XR Product Manager 2.0.1 then you do not need to upgrade.

Upgrades are now sent out to all customers - regardless of support validity - via FetchApp as my site, (xr-dev.io) is no longer online.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello Chris,

Could you please let me know if:
  1. ver 2.0.1 works fine for new installation. The last 2.0.2, if I understood well, is for those who upgrade from ver .1.x
  2. Tab content custom field use Rich editor just like XFRM
Thank you
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