• This forum has been archived. New threads and replies may not be made. All add-ons/resources that are active should be migrated to the Resource Manager. See this thread for more information.


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Another quick question. If it pulls a thread to the front page, will it show the thread the same as a original and allow HTML?
Wow, trying to do stuff and only get an email for one reply not this many. LOL

Anyway, I appreciate everyones concern, as mentioned earlier, I was in jail for nearly 2 months so that is 2 months I wasn't able to work on this mod. As soon as I was out of jail I began looking for a job and began patching things up with my family and friends. From there I then started looking for getting this mod back into development but had to wait on my host to get me a proper backup of my old account so I could get this moving again.

Now this mod is considered Beta, you can download the initial release if you wish but at this time I do not suggest it nor do I hold any responsibility of this mod working on a live site properly. As others have mentioned that seem to be against this mod due to my personal life coming first, you can go with another solution but I do promise that when I release a stable version or even the next release the wait will be well worth it. At the moment I would say go for a temp portal as this portal has a lot of work before its ready. You can also check my signature for the website where I will be doing more updates and you can watch a live build of it as I work on it.

I ask that if you respect me as the mod author, please do not come into my thread and bash me or my mod due to the length of time that it has been since another release or the initial release. Mods take time due to errors, bugs, features, etc. So pointing out the obvious helps no one and makes you look like a jerk whether to me or to new XF users and this is not directed at anyone in particular.
Personally I just posted after reading that you were in jail and I said I can't wait for it. I am a patient man sometimes :D

I am glad that you are back I wish I knew something to help but I don't however I am going to attempt to install I like living on the edge ;)
Personally I just posted after reading that you were in jail and I said I can't wait for it. I am a patient man sometimes :D

I am glad that you are back I wish I knew something to help but I don't however I am going to attempt to install I like living on the edge ;)
Have at it. I am updating my site with forums and information in regards to addons and such.
The thread author/developer has clearly explained the reasons for the delay in developing this add-on, so the unnecessary posts have been removed.

Anyone installing this will undoubtedly read through the thread, so they are fully capable of making their own mind up on whether to install it or not.
Victor has volunteered to test the next release before I release it. As I get features added and other old features working properly I will update the package I give to Victor. After I feel most bugs have been squashed I will release the next version here for everyone to enjoy. So please be patient as we work towards squishing bugs and getting the next release ready.
Victor has volunteered to test the next release before I release it. As I get features added and other old features working properly I will update the package I give to Victor. After I feel most bugs have been squashed I will release the next version here for everyone to enjoy. So please be patient as we work towards squishing bugs and getting the next release ready.
Gezz I feel somewhat honored to tell you the truth! It is working fine so far, just posted a silly question to you at your site.

Thanks for All Your Hard And Dedicated Work Steve!
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