[XFA] Extended Cover

[XFA] Extended Cover [Paid] 4.2.9

No permission to buy (€8.00)
Hi we're trying to place the cover in a manual location on the RM VIEW. We can include this: <xen:include template="xfa_ec_display_cover" /> and it works fine but how in the world can I disable the normal cover? I don't see how you guys are adding it in, I want the original title along with your cover not to be loading (in the original spot). I don't see a template mod
Hi we're trying to place the cover in a manual location on the RM VIEW. We can include this: <xen:include template="xfa_ec_display_cover" /> and it works fine but how in the world can I disable the normal cover? I don't see how you guys are adding it in, I want the original title along with your cover not to be loading (in the original spot). I don't see a template mod

In XFA/ExtendedCover/Template.php

$tplParams['xfa_ec_contentType'] == 'xfaEcRMResource' ||

Replace by

//$tplParams['xfa_ec_contentType'] == 'xfaEcRMResource' ||
In XFA/ExtendedCover/Template.php

$tplParams['xfa_ec_contentType'] == 'xfaEcRMResource' ||

Replace by

//$tplParams['xfa_ec_contentType'] == 'xfaEcRMResource' ||

Thanks, that removes the original setup, but it's also removing the original H1 title and page description, any way to prevent your plugin from removing the default h1 + page description?
In js/xfa/extendedcover/extendedcover.js


XenForo.register('.resourceInfo', 'XenForo.ExtendedCoverMoveResourceTItle');

Replace by

//XenForo.register('.resourceInfo', 'XenForo.ExtendedCoverMoveResourceTItle');
Possible "bug"or just needs to adjust to the changes on AMS 1.4.1

It does not let me even see the categories on admincp.

An exception occurred: Declaration of XFA_ExtendedCover_Extends_AMS_ControllerAdmin_Category::_getCategoryCreateEditResponse(array $category) should be compatible with NFLJ_AMS_ControllerAdmin_Category::_getCategoryCreateEditResponse(array $category, $actionType = false) in /var/www/***/comunidade/library/XFA/ExtendedCover/Extends/AMS/ControllerAdmin/Category.php on line 0

XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in XenForo/Autoloader.php at line 119
include() in XenForo/Autoloader.php at line 119
XenForo_Autoloader->autoload() in XenForo/Application.php at line 1052
XenForo_Application::autoload() in XenForo/Application.php at line 529
XenForo_Application::resolveDynamicClass() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 460
XenForo_FrontController->_getValidatedController() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 343
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/***/comunidade/admin.php at line 13

I am very interested in this add, but I have a question before buying.

Is there a permission so that onlöy the thread creator can change cover image? @XFA
I get an error when I try to install it. After choosing the xml in the ACP there is an error "files missing". Unfortunatley the link to the installation manual is a dead link.
Where do I have to place the folder XML Option tabs? @Fredxd
ok, I've uploaded your XFA folder to -> library and the js/xfa folder into my xenforos js folder.

I choosed addon-xfa_ec.xml but installation terminats with an error. Any ideas what I can do? @Fredxd ?

Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-02 um 14.35.57.webp
You havent upload correctly files
Check you have a folder name xfa in js direcrory and you have a folder name XFA in library directory
I am not at home but can you send me admin and ftp access by PM i will look this when i come back in few hours ;)
Can you restart install with new zip i have upload please
It's seem i have missing somes files in zip ;)
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