[XFA] Extended Cover

[XFA] Extended Cover [Paid] 4.2.9

No permission to buy (€8.00)
i send you server error in page 19

You have uninstall it and reinstall it ?
If yes run this query in phpmyadmin before install it (i will fix it in my uninstall code for next version)

ALTER TABLE `xf_user` DROP `xfa_ec_transition`
it can't broke if you haven't try to install it before.
Run query i have give you and it's will fix your problem ;)
You can't put cover in forum index, there are no option to do this, and i don't plan to do this.
We have Image slider addon to do this ;)
no update should work
It's only if you uninstall and install again addon
Backup your database before upgrade to be sure ;)
If you regularly update the addon there is no problem.
Customers using this addons have no problems and had no problem to upgrade this addon.

It is for you to take precautions when you update an addon or when you update XenForo, namely backup your database because zero risk does not exist ^^
I don't say UPDATE your database but BACKUP your database

If you never backup your database, is your problem but if you have a problem one day with our addons or another addon from other developpers, you will be solely responsible ;)
With that, you do as you wish, I'll give you just a hint
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