XF Development - xf falling apart?

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Okay, screw this. I talked to Mike (sorry Mike, but I'm over being strung along by this company) last week on Skype. I directly asked him "will we ever see you and Kier on XF again?"

His reply "really, the only answer I can give you is... I don't know. There are a lot of things up in the air."

I then stated " you do know time is running out on the long-term health of the community."

He replied "only too aware :-/"

You know, I have avoided getting into details of this for months because I consider the guys friends and gave them the benefit of the doubt. As time has progressed, it has become more and more apparent that personal things in their life are the root cause of the situation we all find ourselves in now. A situation that is screwing with my livelihood and ability to take care of my family! Enough of the games. Enough of the excuses. Enough of the BS! It's beyond time to man up and face the music and quit dic*ing around your customers!

:( That's directly from mike as in Mike sullivan?
Redundant means said information has already been posted. Stuff is "up in the air." No certainty. A lot depends on the lawsuit. Everyone already knows this, including the monkeys.

Maybe John or Brogan can provide some new information?

Hint, it's not from the lawsuit.
I guess John has information too, so you can contact him. Though the information appears redundant.
I have said all I am going to say. I am not judging anyone's personal life. I am simply pointing out that the words spoken to us all in public and words spoken to me directly contradict what can plainly be seen if you just look with your eyes.
Redundant means said information has already been posted. Stuff is "up in the air." No certainty. A lot depends on the lawsuit. Everyone already knows this, including the monkeys.

Maybe John or Brogan can provide some new information?

Jake, you may not have seen this but Brogan's stated clearly that the lawsuit has nothing to do with this and it's all down to one single "event" that's happened and I'm guessing it's the "personal" one which is now directly affecting the business. Brogan won't say what but keeps alluding to stuff and other people keep hinting that it's related to Kier's marriage falling apart after he had an affair. I don't know if that's true and frankly a lot of people are probably at the stage where they don't care either way any more but just want some answers.

Can we please just get these answers that Ashley promised and move on from all of this.

Edit: If you think some of the above isn't appropriate for discussion then feel free to remove it.
Sweet Mary, just look how rancid this place has become, all because the owners, Kier, Mike and Ashley decided to run for the hills instead of being open and honest with their customers. Makes me sad and there is NO excuse for their behaviour over the past several months. Put aside personal issues, we all have had them, it takes less than 5 mins to write a quick message to show that you still care about your customers.

Xenforo is the black sheep of the forum community, if I was a commercial or open source competitor and came here I would laugh my socks off. Shame on KAM, piss poor skills at running a company and personally I lay fault more at Ashley's feet as he is the "business manager".
Jake, you may not have seen this but Brogan's stated clearly that the lawsuit has nothing to do with this and it's all down to one single "event" that's happened and I'm guessing it's the "personal" one which is now directly affecting the business. Brogan won't say what but keeps alluding to stuff and other people keep hinting that it's related to Kier's marriage falling apart after he had an affair. I don't know if that's true and frankly a lot of people are probably at the stage where they don't care either way any more but just want some answers.

Can we please just get these answers that Ashley promised and move on from all of this.

Edit: If you think some of the above isn't appropriate for discussion then feel free to remove it.

You are asking Ashley for Brogan's answers. You should ask Brogan. That's what I have done.
Unfortunately things are going to get uglier now. I wish none had happened.

They long they choose to ignore to communicate with customers things will go downhill guess we will enjoy some entertainment for next few days .
You are asking Ashley for Brogan's answers. You should ask Brogan. That's what I have done.

Jack , please try not to bring Brogan into this issue. Every one knows that the issue is not related to him. It is still not hard to correct all broken things. Instead of constantly putting Brogan's name outside , best thing is to get the promised answers or Ashley here. Brining Brogan's name doesn't help anyone. You maybe upset on his responses however it is not his fault.
Ugly why? Because the answers are ugly? Please share.

Because you have an unhappy and angry community because of no interest from owners. Many of this community owners are making money through their forum or coding skills that depend on xenforo. And if you play with peoples incomes , people will be unhappy and start attacking. This is human nature. Just look at my previous response , even you are constantly trying to put Brogan's name out to get a clean breath for Xenforo.
Jack , please try not to bring Brogan into this issue. Every one knows that the issue is not related to him. It is still not hard to correct all broken things. Instead of constantly putting Brogan's name outside , best thing is to get the promised answers or Ashley here. Brining Brogan's name doesn't help anyone. You maybe upset on his responses however it is not his fault.

His name isn't Jack...

It seems most of you are just upset that things aren't going according to your terms. I mean, you've got no new information. No one knows if xenForo will ever be the same as it was. Personal issues exist, lawsuits exist.

What do you want? You keep screaming for answers but you have them? Unless you want the exact personal issues that are at hand? What do you want? Other than everything to go back to normal? For whatever reason, neither Mike nor Kier are talking.

This billionth ******** thread asking them to come back hasn't worked like the billionth ******** ones before it.

I wonder why some of you stick around as you appear pissed at this point. Did you make xenForo your entire life? If so, I don't know how you can blame anyone but yourself. Neither Kier nor Mike made you move from whatever software solution you were on before. You made the decision and now you are angry. Sucks. That's life. Creating threads asking for Kier or Mike to pop out of wherever they are don't work and just do more harm to this community. You can blame them for the demise of the community or you can blame yourselves for not taking initiative and moving on, as you clearly have deemed this community as a lost cause at this point.
Quick question : Is there any posts moderated/deleted on this thread as i can swear this thread had 7 pages just seconds ago. And if there are posts moderated , no reason to continue discussing anything on this thread.
Because you have an unhappy and angry community because of no interest from owners. Many of this community owners are making money through their forum or coding skills that depend on xenforo. And if you play with peoples incomes , people will be unhappy and start attacking. This is human nature. Just look at my previous response , even you are constantly trying to put Brogan's name out to get a clean breath for Xenforo.

No one forced any of these people to rely on xenForo for their lively hood. No Kier, not Mike and not Ashley. The only person they should be mad at are themselves for putting everything into a company. A company that most knew was under threat of lawsuit when they did so as well.
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