XF Development - xf falling apart?

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I would be very hesitant to try and predict anything Shawn may or may not do with DP. He is too wise to make a bad decision for himself and he certainly won't tip his hand one way or the other until he is ready.

100% agree. Anytime you have to go through 100's of mods, it is going to be a massive undertaking.
Isn't Mert listed as a defendant on some of the documents? Wouldn't it be nice to hear whats going on with everything once in a while?

Yes, he is...but that does not mean he has been served with a copy of the complaint. And without that, there is no personal jurisdiction over him in the court.

It probably would be nice. But, any attorney representing KM would advise them not to contact Mert for numerous reasons (statements could be used as evidence, IB could portray such communication as something it is not, could waive attorney client privilege by discussing privileged matters, etc.).
By DP do you mean DigitalPoint forums?

He's gonna convert them to XenForo?

Yes, I was referring to DigitalPoint. He has been going through the steps to transition his site onto the XenForo framework. (not 100% guaranteed, but he is doing work on it) He has stated a number of times that the current state of the product is good enough to get the job done, BUT there will be a TON of work to get all his mods/plugins converted.
I know there are personal, legal, and hence financial issues. Everyone knows this. It was announced.

Now that's not the full reason. The legal issues have no bearing whatsoever on disappearing from the site - if anything, I'd have expected them to work even harder on it to reassure customers and keep money incomming. Unless they were considering settling the case and didn't want to waste anymore time (you can see why we are all worried!).

I know there are personal and legal issues, but what is so wrong that turns away the most loyal of members (Brogan/John/etc.). There is more to it than that.
Yes, I was referring to DigitalPoint. He has been going through the steps to transition his site onto the XenForo framework. (not 100% guaranteed, but he is doing work on it) He has stated a number of times that the current state of the product is good enough to get the job done, BUT there will be a TON of work to get all his mods/plugins converted.

That'll be cool to see, but i couldn't imagine converting all that! Not to mention having to serve up all those 301 redirects and the likes.
I ditched vBulletin about a year after IB took over. Moved on. Seems a lot of people here need to do the same, as they seem to be as fed up with xenForo as I was with IB.

The problem here is that xenForo is the best thing available right now. Much (or most) of what you call whining stems from people not having any other real options for their communities. At least not on the level that xF has ascended to (before all this happened).

Many of us are happy to keep using xF for as long as its available. Knowing that it's viable in the long term is not an unreasonable thing to ask though, and the longer the developers are absent the rowdier those who've already invested in this (dying?) company will get.
Some people want more info and communication. So another post on the same issues. Others are fine with things. Nothing new.

That is not strictly true there's more to it and also for the developers to come out of hiding and sort the state of the forums where member is bashing member, bickering members telling people to die which is unacceptable. I made a report today and it was not dealt with when a staff member came online (twice) it took Lawrence to eventually get to it. point being the state of the company forums needs to inject consistency and ground rules. Slavik posted he didn't have time so if staff can't maintain order then it falls to the owners. imo.

Like I stated before, people may like visiting the forum on a daily basis where piracy topics resorts to bashing, competitors being bashed but I certainly think xenforo doesn't need it and it wasn't allowed before when KAM was here why is it allowed now?

Initial post explains that clearly.
Not gonna jump on the train because I'm not a serious XF user so I don't depend on the software, but it does annoy me that they don't make a post once in a while.

Mike's last post - 19th June
Kier's last post - 19th June
Ashley's last post - 29th August

I get they're busy, it's just a real shame that they went from regular HYS videos and getting involved with developers, helping with queries, and now they're nowhere to be seen.
cuz u guys wanted answers as to what happened in the life's of kam, u got it. And now u don't want to hear it. I don't understand why

I have no interest in anyone's personal life. I am just hoping to receive response from them regarding what are they planning to do regarding Xenforo. That's all and many others including thread starter Shelly or info spiller John ( sorry John :p ) hope to hear the same.

Their personal life is non of our business.
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