XF Development - xf falling apart?

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what about kier and having the affair that ruined everything in the first place???

Wtf , again why are you trying to bring his personal life into this conversation. His marriage , relationships has nothing to do with us. Stay away from people's personal lives.

cuz u guys wanted answers as to what happened in the life's of kam, u got it. And now u don't want to hear it. I don't understand why

Yeah I am confused too. People wanted information.

I don't know if that's true. I stay out of people's personal business.
That is not strictly true there's more to it and also for the developers to come out of hiding and sort the state of the forums where member is bashing member, bickering members telling people to die which is unacceptable. I made a report today and it was not dealt with when a staff member came online (twice) it took Lawrence to eventually get to it. point being the state of the company forums needs to inject consistency and ground rules. Slavik posted he didn't have time so if staff can't maintain order then it falls to the owners. imo.

Like I stated before, people may like visiting the forum on a daily basis where piracy topics resorts to bashing, competitors being bashed but I certainly think xenforo doesn't need it and it wasn't allowed before when KAM was here why is it allowed now?

Initial post explains that clearly.

I only had 140 characters to answer.
member is bashing member, bickering members telling people to die which is unacceptable. .

With all the death threats directed toward me on a daily basis (normally religious extremist and trolls).... I almost did not notice he had said that to me. Although it sure does not happen here as often (I think that was the 1st one I saw here).

But the point being is someone did clean that up and did remove it. The staff here is indeed handling things in an orderly fashion and as quick as they are able to get to them.

I really do not think we can ask more from the volunteer staff members, who are doing their best.
Clearly you have found your peace. Why do you care about those who are upset with the current situation? I find it odd to see you among the most fervent participants in threads that you say you hate so much.

Because you are taking time away from people like Jake who are doing what they can to to help customers who wish to continue with xenForo despite whatever personal issues are keeping Kier and Mike from developing. Same threads, over and over again. Same nonsense. You never get answers and it appears you won't, especially since you refuse to ask new questions.
Shelly's primary concern is that the community is disintegrating. Some agree, some don't. I think what we need to define is exactly who it is that makes up this community.

One could argue that those who create plugins, themes and other modifications are the meat and potatoes, which I tend to agree with.

In a scenario like this, how is it that these individuals are expected to continue creating for, supporting and investing in a platform that has essentially been abandoned by its developers? It's been stated a couple times in this thread and several times elsewhere that developing real, quality plugins for xF is no longer a viable endeavor.

With that being the case, is it any real wonder that we're seeing this take place?
Well, I am never one to complain. But I must admit that forum politics takes a lot of time. I liked it better before I was a moderator, but some one has to do it.

I forgot to eat breakfast. Been engaging in politics for the last 3 hours.


I'll do it. I'd soon stop all the abusive postings from members Banned sorted. Now go and eat. (y) Rice?
Bleh, everyone thinks they are the community, for good or bad. It's probably better to speak for yourself and not others.

All I know is that I am incredibly busy with XF support. That can't be a bad thing.

Yet you are putting words in peoples mouth's when responding to their posts. That is being hypocritical to the point that your advice contradicts your own words Jake.

Yes, you don't appreciate that this thread was created, I'm sure it does take time away supporting other people (I'm sorry about that) but you take the rough with the smooth. You have no issue in embracing good feedback jake, embrace the concerns in the same manner. :)
oh, well.... again 10 pages...

I think I was last time 3 or 4 weeks ago here. And still the same kind of threads, the same kind of questions... and of course the same answers. The same people who are upset because of the always same answers, not willing to accept that this will not change no matter how much they think they deserve it. Is anybody surprised? Did you really expect anything else? Do you believe in UFOs or in Santa Claus?

We are all adults. Most of us might have children and know what it means if we say "no" to the kids. This "no" will not turn into a "yes" no matter how often the kids are asking. At least it should not, otherwise they will never respect a "no" from you in the future anymore. It is time to accept that here too.

But now it is getting more difficult. Myself and many others might not be worried about the lawsuit, or burn-out syndroms. We can handle the stress part over the time and the lawsuit (IMHO) will end in a positive way for XF.

Now a third possibilities for the hiding of KAM pops up. A VERY private detail. And I beg you, think first for a long time, before you continue to ask again and again egoistically questions. IMHO it is none of our business. If this is the real reason, it is more dangerous than the lawsuit, because emotions, feelings are involved. This can and will of course cure over the time as well. But the time frame is not as predictable as i.e. the outcome of a lawsuit.

But be assure, as soon as you start to investigate private details on the internet in the forum publicly, you only make things worse. This will only reopen old sores. Believe me, you do not want to do this. It will not help you, it will not help them.

All people who state that they know the real reasons behind all of this should have thought first, before they posted this. This is nothing to satisfy your ego. I think that Jake is acting correctly in forwarding all questions regarding this to those, who claim that they know the truth. If they do not want to tell the truth then (which I respect), they should simply shut up and learn from this mistake for the future.

So you have three choices at the end of the day:

1. Wait until the lawsuit is over and see whether development continues then
2. Wait until any kind of personal issues are resolved or healed and see whether development continues then
3. Quit XF and export your forum to an inferior product without lawsuits and without personal issues

No matter how hard you try, nothing will change these three options you have. Whether you like it or not. Bite the bullet, make your decision, cool down and enjoy again life.
Bleh, everyone thinks they are the community, for good or bad. It's probably better to speak for yourself and not others.

All I know is that I am incredibly busy with XF support. That can't be a bad thing.

With all due respect, the majority of the people that are keeping you busy are not likely to be the ones even aware of the situation here. The ones that are (and the ones being vocal about it) are the ones that contribute the most to this community.

People like Jaxel, Robbo, DarkImmortal, Shelly and others are this community. Without people like them, this forum would be nothing more than forum full of "how do i add tabb" questions and poorly written, unsupported freebie addons.

I'm here because people like Jaxel and Robbo created extensions for a shiny platform that I happen to enjoy using. I'm here because people like them provide exceptional help whenever I have a question.

xenForo (the company, not the software) is alienating people like them one by one; it's frustrating to have invested your time in creating these extensions, only to have the developers turn tail and vanish. KAM's actions (or lack thereof) diminish the importance of their contributions and diminish the value and demand of their expertise.

When they decide to move on (and they will if things keep going like this), my interest (and the interest of many others) will wane and we'll move on to the next thing. The ones making noise are the ones that are passionate about what they do and a platform they enjoy.
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