XenCentral Ad Server

XenCentral Ad Server [Paid] 2.0.0 beta 3 rev. 2

No permission to buy (€59.99)
[feature request]

admin email notifications (and Xenforo alerts) for:
- a new banner is uploaded
- a banner is activated
- a banner is expired

user email notifications and alerts:
- a banner has been approved
- a banner is expired
- a banner will expire soon
Please confirm if you have updated to the latest version of Ad Server or no. It should say 1.3.1 version in Admin Panel.

For what you want to achieve you should have "All Nodes" in Page Criteria (in other words the option should not be active at all) and should select the node in Page Criteria (NOT) tab.

Thank you!

Whenever I select any of the "NOT" tabs it saves, but when I re-open the page, right right criteria is no longer selected on the NOT criteria tab, and instead, is selected on the normal one.

I enter:

Screen Shot 2014-06-16 at 5.58.12 PM.webp


Reopen that zone. See this:

Screen Shot 2014-06-16 at 5.58.58 PM.webp

I load the page criteria tab and see this:

Screen Shot 2014-06-16 at 5.59.07 PM.webp


If I try to save the normal page criteria tab and exclude the pages I want to exclude the ad, that works fine, except I can't show the add on the homepage with that method; only all other pages (except the excluded ones).

Additionally, I came across another issue. I'm setting ad targets based on user criteria > current user location, and throws this error on the index page:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() in /public_html/library/XenCentral/Framework/vendor/geoip-api/geoipcity.inc on line 132

Edit: I am on the latest version of the framework and ad server.
Hello! How can I add another administrator to the Ad Server? I don't see any option and even people on the Administrator group can't administrate zones.
After Upgrade Xencentral Framework to 1.3.2
The funktion
clear cache

dont work :-(
it show this:


and i have several of hundreds of thousands of files in the folder / xcfw_cache
can i clear this every day with a crown job?
Greetings Jo

Greetings Jo
After Upgrade Xencentral Framework to 1.3.2
The funktion
clear cache
View attachment 78909

dont work :-(
it show this:
View attachment 78910


and i have several of hundreds of thousands of files in the folder / xcfw_cache
can i clear this every day with a crown job?
Greetings Jo

Greetings Jo

While I've never tried to cleared the cache before, I can replicate the same error, no solution found as of yet.

Framework v1.3.2
Ad Server v1.3.2

An exception occurred: Cannot send headers; headers already sent in D:\production\library\XenCentral\Framework\ControllerAdmin\Framework.php, line 124 in D:\production\library\Zend\Controller\Response\Abstract.php on line 321

[*]Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract->canSendHeaders() in Zend/Controller/Response/Abstract.php at line 115
[*]Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract->setHeader() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php at line 63
[*]XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract->__construct() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlAdmin.php at line 16
[*]XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlAdmin->__construct() in XenForo/Dependencies/Admin.php at line 122
[*]XenForo_Dependencies_Admin->getViewRenderer() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 547
[*]XenForo_FrontController->_getViewRenderer() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 141
[*]XenForo_FrontController->run() in D:/production/admin.php at line 13

- nothing found in PHP logs. (yet)

Edit: I opened a support ticket for this issue at their site. (#365802) [http://customers.dnf.technology/]
Last edited:

i have in the folder many houndert tousend files :-(
you not?

anythink is wrong
greetings jo

It seems our is working; there is a cron job that runs and cleans up the files. I checked it manually and it is working.

In the case where you press "Clear Cache" and get the error screen, I found if you refresh the screen (F5 etc.), the cache will be cleared and it will go back to the AdminCP.

Hope this helps.
Hello everyone,

We have got several reports from our customers regarding file cache growing bigger and bigger. It grows so fast that sometimes is being impossible to cleanup the cache using daily cron job, which times-out, and files get collected more and more. The output during cleaning cache was just due to test code, it didn't affect your board in any way, just that way you could see how many files are collected in your cache directory. Now we have removed the output, and you will see normal XenForo page with a message, but if that pages times-out and does not return any response most likely you have a problem with too many files in file cache. We have added new FAQ entry and a special notice in addon's description to notify about this and about recommended solutions.

New framework package can be downloaded from Clients Area now.

Thank you!
[feature request]

admin email notifications (and Xenforo alerts) for:
- a new banner is uploaded
- a banner is activated
- a banner is expired

user email notifications and alerts:
- a banner has been approved
- a banner is expired
- a banner will expire soon

Thank you for the suggestions, we have added them to our task list and will consider them soon.

Thank you!
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