Will CSS3 browser-implementations be removed?


Well-known member
Right now in the CSS, I am seeing horrible things, such as:

border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -khtml-border-radius: 5px;

Will they be removed, and standardised to

border-radius: 5px;


I just like standards and non-proprietory implementations.
Guys let's not start with the CSS3/Standards snobbery on an alpha version of a brand new forum software.
It's all fine and dandy talking about what browsers support what.
But different forums have different audiences. There are forums out there, that primarily cater to IE6 and IE7.
It will always be a stretch to cover all bases. If, in order to achieve that, we're going to have a few more bytes of CSS, then have at it.
If you're gonna get into that, you should also disable all the AJAX, because that's not "essential" (if browser compatibility isn't) either.

So, I would suggest we wait and see what the final product looks like. Mentioning that the CSS is "messy" may be correct, but what's the point in pointing that out?
It's obvious that at this stage that is going to be so.
Remember guys, MOST people who use old browsers do so simply because they cant be bothered to upgrade - thats their problem if websites render incorrectly. Obviously those with screen readers, or who are stuck under a stupid network admin who insists on using IE7 are stuck.

My point is, XF SHOULD support CSS3/HTML5 BUT with some form of BASIC support for older browsers. (Which it does very well I might add)

Any half decent web designer will agree that supporting CSS3/HTML5 is a must. Just because Microsoft haven't pulled their large finger out and added support to their crappy browser, doesn't mean the rest of us should have to hang around for 10 years waiting.
Remember guys, MOST people who use old browsers do so simply because they cant be bothered to upgrade - thats their problem if websites render incorrectly. Obviously those with screen readers, or who are stuck under a stupid network admin who insists on using IE7 are stuck.

My point is, XF SHOULD support CSS3/HTML5 BUT with some form of BASIC support for older browsers. (Which it does very well I might add)

Any half decent web designer will agree that supporting CSS3/HTML5 is a must. Just because Microsoft haven't pulled their large finger out and added support to their crappy browser, doesn't mean the rest of us should have to hang around for 10 years waiting.
xenForo is too young to exclude that much of a customer base. When it gets older and can loose some of the web's "ignorant" user then i say lets do it.
xenForo is too young to exclude that much of a customer base. When it gets older and can loose some of the web's "ignorant" user then i say lets do it.

Where did I mention anything about exclusion? I simply stated that CSS3/HTML5 should be used, but with a fallback (i.e it's still very usable in older browsers but without that sexy look).
What people don't realise is that we can use the later technologies and support the fallbacks.
HTML5 video... we can use the video element to display HTML5 video, then we can use the object/embed fallback inside the video tags. Browsers that don't render the video will render the object/embed.
Any half decent web designer will agree that supporting CSS3/HTML5 is a must. Just because Microsoft haven't pulled their large finger out and added support to their crappy browser, doesn't mean the rest of us should have to hang around for 10 years waiting.

You checked out IE9 preview yet? It has more HTML5 and CSS3 support than any other browser builds... Don't get me wrong I hate IE and when they announced they will only be supporting x264 on the video tag I screamed in anger but IE9 is suprisingly good...

Saying that though it will probably be 2011 before we see it for real by which time Chrome and FF will be much better than it again.
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