Which PHP IDE? / What do you use to code?

Depends what features you want out of a full IDE. There are so many packages for Sublime that handle most of the commonly used ones (the only one I miss slightly is a database explorer).
I don't think Sublime can really compare to a full IDE...
Its a case of how you weigh it up. I've personally found that Sublime is better than a 'full IDE'. It's got plugins that cover most, if not all features you'd want out of an IDE, and doesn't run like a dog when compared to Eclipse, Netbeans, PHPStorm, etc.
Give Komodo IDE/Edit a shot! Version 8 was just released.

Disclosure - I'm one of the devs.
I'll happily give it a try, but if its anything like v7 it wont be for me I'm afrade.

No app has been able to beat Sublime when it comes to expandability (with a massive library of addons) and speed (< 1 second to open a huge project with tens of thousands of lines of code).
I tried Sublime Text at work today. It didn't handle the project well, and debugging was far from fantastic :( I'll try again later though.
I'll happily give it a try, but if its anything like v7 it wont be for me I'm afrade.

No app has been able to beat Sublime when it comes to expandability (with a massive library of addons) and speed (< 1 second to open a huge project with tens of thousands of lines of code).
Sublime has many things but the top name for expandability isn't one of them. Komodo IDE is on Mozilla, you can change anything in it with CSS and JS. Sublime you can make commands, edit a little bit of the interface and make it look different. Komodo is the most customizable IDE easily, just like Firefox is the most customizable browser.

I put Komodo IDE 8 through it's paces the last few weeks and it now beats PhpStorm for me which was my IDE of choice (having tried pretty much everything) until sublime 2 came about which is what I now use.

I have moved back to sublime for the simple fact my computer is getting dated and speed becomes a problem with all IDEs. Soon to get a SSD and run arch linux instead of mint and then I would say I will be using both komodo and sublime.
Sublime has many things but the top name for expandability isn't one of them. Komodo IDE is on Mozilla, you can change anything in it with CSS and JS. Sublime you can make commands, edit a little bit of the interface and make it look different. Komodo is the most customizable IDE easily, just like Firefox is the most customizable browser.

I put Komodo IDE 8 through it's paces the last few weeks and it now beats PhpStorm for me which was my IDE of choice (having tried pretty much everything) until sublime 2 came about which is what I now use.

I have moved back to sublime for the simple fact my computer is getting dated and speed becomes a problem with all IDEs. Soon to get a SSD and run arch linux instead of mint and then I would say I will be using both komodo and sublime.
Just wanted to say I find Sublime fairly customizable. It's no IDE, but those are a bit bloated for my needs anyways. You can install package control for 1000+ packages that extend ST2, or write your own. http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control

I will say the editing the interface with CSS and JS sounds cool though.. but for the price I'd only expect it to have some unique features like that.
I have been using sublime text 2 since it came out, I think you will find I was the first in this thread to mention it (If I rmember correctly, I'm not going to look). I know it can be customized. But the person saying it can be more than others is blatantly wrong. There are many things that simply can't be customized in it which hinder it's growth in certain areas (like debugging).

I know how to customize it and I have used a lot of customizations with it. None of what you said contradicts what you quoted.
Sublime has many things but the top name for expandability isn't one of them. Komodo IDE is on Mozilla, you can change anything in it with CSS and JS. Sublime you can make commands, edit a little bit of the interface and make it look different. Komodo is the most customizable IDE easily, just like Firefox is the most customizable browser.

I put Komodo IDE 8 through it's paces the last few weeks and it now beats PhpStorm for me which was my IDE of choice (having tried pretty much everything) until sublime 2 came about which is what I now use.

I have moved back to sublime for the simple fact my computer is getting dated and speed becomes a problem with all IDEs. Soon to get a SSD and run arch linux instead of mint and then I would say I will be using both komodo and sublime.
Meh. For me Sublime's addon repository has been idea. I did look at Komodo's a while ago and that also offered a healthy selection. For me its about speed and flexibility. You can customise Sublime pretty well when compared to most of the others, which insist on a horrible Windows interface on their Mac versions.

Personally (FOR ME) there is nothing that beats Sublime right now.
I have been using sublime text 2 since it came out, I think you will find I was the first in this thread to mention it (If I rmember correctly, I'm not going to look). I know it can be customized. But the person saying it can be more than others is blatantly wrong. There are many things that simply can't be customized in it which hinder it's growth in certain areas (like debugging).

I know how to customize it and I have used a lot of customizations with it. None of what you said contradicts what you quoted.
Relax dude :rolleyes: I wasn't trying to negate what you said, I more just wanted to point out package control to those that were unfamiliar with ST2. I didn't know I was expected to read all 200 posts to figure out who mentioned what first, and I wasn't trying to say it was the epitome of customization.. or argue with you at all really. What I had to say was merely a bit relevant to what you said, so I quoted you.
I'm on moderation here, if I wasn't relaxed the post wouldn't get through in the first place ;)
I'm personally using a minimal Eclipse install with PDT installed (so no trace of the Java IDE) with a dark theme. It's far too much gun for me, but I haven't found anything lighter that does syntax checking/code completion properly yet that works on OS X properly.

To be honest, getting Eclipse to be snappy required upgrading to an SSD...
ahemm.... finally i decided to learn some coding :cool: Would you guys suggest me few "simple & best" editors... I have installed XAMPP today.. and am all set to..

Is it Notepad++ for everyone? Or is there something better which does the coding automatically by just looking at it?
I use Notepad++ for very quick bits of SQL... MySQL Workbench is a hog. Can't say that I've used Np++ to modify a PHP file recently though. I use Np++ for diffs, also.
I'm personally using a minimal Eclipse install with PDT installed (so no trace of the Java IDE) with a dark theme. It's far too much gun for me, but I haven't found anything lighter that does syntax checking/code completion properly yet that works on OS X properly.

To be honest, getting Eclipse to be snappy required upgrading to an SSD...

Would that be Eclipse Classic?
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