what to do with members who's Email-address is bouncing ?


Well-known member
I have many users which have their Email not working anymore.
So the Email-addresses these members registered with, are bouncing back when these members receive an Email.

What should I do with these members ?
- should I delete these members ?
- should I just leave these members as they are ?

I guess they will still have the ability to log-in and change their Email-address in case they will ever return back to the Forum.

This brings me to the idea to create some sort of "Notice" to inform them to change their Email-address when they login.

Any advise from you guys of what would be the best to do ?

Many thanks!

I delete all members with inactive email and 0 posts and registered over a month ago.
One thing to consider is that email can bounce for trivial reasons, like a full inbox or a temporary server issue. The reason is mostly sent with the bounce message.
I throw them into a limited privileged "bounced" user group, and if they want to be fully restored, they have to write me and make that request.
One of our add-ons checks the bounceto mailbox for error messages regularly and sets the account to "Awaiting email confirmation (from edit)" automatically. We do not care if the mail is bouncing for hard or soft reasons. A user has to reconfirm his address after the first error message. Reason: Bouncing email addresses lower the trust level for our messages at large email providers and may result in getting all our messages tagged to their users as spam. We want to avoid that.

Sorry, we cannot release that add-on, but it can be coded very easy.
One of our add-ons checks the bounceto mailbox for error messages regularly and sets the account to "Awaiting email confirmation (from edit)" automatically. We do not care if the mail is bouncing for hard or soft reasons. A user has to reconfirm his address after the first error message. Reason: Bouncing email addresses lower the trust level for our messages at large email providers and may result in getting all our messages tagged to their users as spam. We want to avoid that.

Sorry, we cannot release that add-on, but it can be coded very easy.

hmmm... such an Addon would be great.
Even better yet, to have it integrated in XF-core.

In some cases, a nice feature might be to Send the bounced email message as a Conversation.
With, a follow up message about the bounced email message.
My preference would allow the admin to choose the user group in which bounced members go. Of course, that requires someone actually releasing such an add-on. I've requested it for several years on this platform and the previous one we used, vB. No results. And I agree about having a conversation for those with a bounced message informing them that they won't get their privileges back until they send an updated email address that is verified.

I assume the HWS add-on is a custom job, but wouldn't there be a large audience at five dollars a pop for something like this?
One of our add-ons checks the bounceto mailbox for error messages regularly and sets the account to "Awaiting email confirmation (from edit)" automatically. We do not care if the mail is bouncing for hard or soft reasons. A user has to reconfirm his address after the first error message. Reason: Bouncing email addresses lower the trust level for our messages at large email providers and may result in getting all our messages tagged to their users as spam. We want to avoid that.

Sorry, we cannot release that add-on, but it can be coded very easy.
Interesting. I had such an addon created for vb which does analyse bounce reasons, number of bounces, usergroup, and then deactivates accounts according to settings, then guides users through the reactivation process. Took us 4 months to create, implement, tweak until it worked well on my big board.

I may have one of my devs rewrite it for XF and updated to include current email standards, but if I do then that surely will not be a cheap addon.
I've quickly edited the settings to no emails, and unsubscribe theme from any subscribed threads/forums. Never came across such member with more than 3 subscriptions, so I figure this way works (for now).

I don't know if I'm doing it right *shrugs*
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