Other Waindigo acquired by Audentio

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Ok maybe, old age is setting in.. But you didn't require a new subscription til after you started adding new features and still allowed anyone you had listed as licensed access to continue to download Syndol's version off your site, even though you mde nothing from it was more the point I was making..

Apples and oranges. Anyone with a license for borboles addons will get a license for the rebranded version. Quite a few people already have.
Just so I'm clear on this:

You're now charging for addons that were free yesterday, even though you haven't changed them in any way other than rebranding, yet felt the need to remove the free versions so that no one could download them without having to pay for them, even though you didn't do anything to them to warrant the new charges, but are offering support on them and that's what the $10 is for, despite having a separate paid support package that people need to pay for, which is on top of the charge to download the files that haven't been changed yet now need paid support which is separate from the paid support package?
Well after the dust settles it will be interesting to see how many add-ons are still left. I'm already getting tired of seeing the deleted notices.
Apples and oranges. Anyone with a license for borboles addons will get a license for the rebranded version. Quite a few people already have.

Yes, comparing this to Borboles is indeed Apples and Oranges and irrelevant.. His were already paid addons and was not an issue at hand. The issue is deleting free add-ons, several which are known to be buggy and re-uploaded with nothing changed but a rebranding and a $10.00 price tag.. Not even one line of code change other then the branding.. Not sure why your not grasping how this upset people by you guys not giving a list of the addons to become premium and amble time to download them one final time before deleting them.

I for one have lost a lot of respect for Audentio today by the shenanigans pulled here today and then to top it off try to place blame on XenForo and the resource manager, when indeed it was later posted you could have more then one copy of the add-on posted in it and then to try to now sell add-ons known to have bugs, that you even personally acknowledged, before making any changes to try to fix known bugs. This is not the same standards that Audentio had these last few years. This time last year, this same company would have never even considered rebranding and selling not one but a stack of buggy add-ons just to be sure to maintain the #1 Most Active Author spot.. This is my person opinion to you guys as a paying customer of yours. Nothing more, nothing less..

I'll just leave this here...

No point in releasing a product with known bugs.
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Please do not buy any of our products if you think this is in anyway unfair.

We are not blaming xenforo but it is a business decision of theirs to not convert products. That's a fact and we respect that.

The premium subscription is premium support. You get that already when you have a license. This is not complicated. We have had our say. At this point it is just a few people who always post the same complaints.
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