vBulletin 6 has arrived, what do you think about it?

vB4 was never offered as a Cloud service. There were literally hundreds of critical issues when the software was first released as 'Gold'. vB5 was build on the same code and again contained multiple issues on release. I have a licence (vB5) which I installed self hosted. I couldn't possibly list all the issues I encountered with it or even those I personally reported but there are still 3095 confirmed issues listed in the tracker and you can be sure many of them carried over into vB6.

There are multiple bugs present on the official site e.g. hit 'Mark Channels Read' and come back in a week or two and you'll find every forum and sub-forum emboldened suggesting new content when in reality the majority haven't seen a new post in years.
That's interesting...
i'll have to keep an eye out for those bugs.
I'm on vb cloud for vb6 put myself on it because i was having troubles with the self hosted one.
Gods no, I didn't need "more hooks" in 3, what they did was they changed the use of variables in a way that just made it difficult to make sense of and therefore to make mods. I was able to remake some of my old modifications over time, but not like I was with 3 where I could make that thing dance with little effort.... That one ruled... at least for me. I would point to their .org website there were so many more modifications on 3 than there were for 4. Not just because they were needed there (they were), but I surmise it is because they were easier for folks to write.

Early on, of course there were more VB 3 mods since it takes a while for mods to be made The same situation happened when XF 2.x was released.

But VB4 caught up and surpassed the number of VB 3.8 mods a long time ago.
.org has
1,991 VB 4 mods
1,449 VB 3.8 mods.

VB 3.x had longer time to gain add-ons, yet has less of them. Its about the same ratio with templates. Once I got past learning what's new, there was more I could do with VB4 than I could with VB 3.8.

Yes, VB 4 was very buggy on release, but they cleaned it up much quicker than they did VB 5.
I disagree however your argument of 4 being better than 3 hinges on I think 2 addons? I know obviously dbtech but I think vbseo was also an addon.

Not nullifying your argument some of the best forums I ever used was 3.6-8 +addons - but I feel like 4+ was just a slow decline into "we'll do what suits IB's portfolio and if others want to buy it they can"
IB's portfolio? Do you not know what their portfolio runs on? It's not 4+.
IB's portfolio? Do you not know what their portfolio runs on? It's not 4+.
I haven't looked at their portfolio for a long time. Are they still running the modded 3.8 variety? I thought I'd read somewhere that they were looking to upgrade.

I may have got my wires crossed.
But VB4 caught up and surpassed the number of VB 3.8 mods a long time ago.
.org has
1,991 VB 4 mods
1,449 VB 3.8 mods.
So you are comparing all mods for 4.x.x to mods specifically released for 3.8?

To which I would argue that 4.x.x was a lot longer there than 3.8.
Early on, of course there were more VB 3 mods since it takes a while for mods to be made The same situation happened when XF 2.x was released.

But VB4 caught up and surpassed the number of VB 3.8 mods a long time ago.
.org has
1,991 VB 4 mods
1,449 VB 3.8 mods.

VB 3.x had longer time to gain add-ons, yet has less of them. Its about the same ratio with templates. Once I got past learning what's new, there was more I could do with VB4 than I could with VB 3.8.

Yes, VB 4 was very buggy on release, but they cleaned it up much quicker than they did VB 5.
I think that you'll find that all of that when self hosted is hard as you have more to worry about.
What i found hardest the most was filling out the config files. Even if you had things correct it wouldn't work for you.

I opted for their cloud system when on vB 5 where all of the worries were taken away from that.

I reckon i'll do the same if i return that url back over here let the xf cloud system take over.
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