
ToggleME 3.1.4

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Excuse me, Someone can give me the guidelines to hide TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox with a toogle and keep it closed? really appreciate some help. thanks.

As you know you can toggle categories on the forum pages. There are two kind of categories: the XenForo ones (from your forums - see A in screenshot) and the "manual" one (such as TaigaChat - see B in the screenshot). The management for XenForo categories is easy since the categories available are directly displayed, so you just have to check/uncheck them. The management for the manual ones require you to provide the id for this special category. You can look at it directly in the html code using your browser console, or easier you can enable for a few second an option that will display the id of all categories on your page (see B2 in the screenshot). For Taigachat the id should be: "taigachat_full".
Thank you!
The only problem now is the block "members online in chat" in the sidebar.
Still does't work. :coffee:
The 'taigachat_full' as ID is not working. Also ask for sidebar toggle.
Should I remove the toggle button for chat now? :coffee:
The 'taigachat_full' as ID is not working. Also ask for sidebar toggle.
Should I remove the toggle button for chat now? :coffee:
  • For the shoutbox as a widget, I don't know, I never use it like this, but since I have the addon, I will check it during this week or next weekend.
  • For the shoutbox as a category, I'm sure it's working. I don't think the ID has changed, but you need to check how you integrated the shoutbox inside your template "forum_list". As you know, you need to paste in this template the code below:
    <xen:hook name="dark_taigachat_alt" />
    Be sure to have paste this code as a children of the hook "forum_list_nodes" ; it other words paste it below this code:
    <xen:hook name="forum_list_nodes">
Thanks again friend.
Do you know if this feature is working correctly?
In my case doesn't work, I would like to keep the chatbox closed by default when the page is loaded.

I tried with coma and without comma and doesn't work.
Do you know if this feature is working correctly?
Yes, at least on my boards. See my previous explanations and check again the screenshot, enable the "2b" option and ajust the id accordingly.

In your screenshot you're mixing widgets and categories. They are not the same. Considering where you positionned the shoutbox, you should use the categories options, again, see the screenshot.

Please note there is a cookie memory so try to load the page on another browser that you didn't use to toggle. The idea is simple: once the user decided to close or open a category, his choice prevails over the default option.
Great addon and working perfect.
The only small thing pending is the widget in the sidebar: dark_taigachat_widget_online but to me, now is perfect.
Anyway if is someday we can put a toggle in that widget is ok :coffee:
Thanks for your patience and explanations (y)
Donation sent! (y)
Just few lines to says that the addon seems not working with theme UI.X Class
The theme manage its onw collapsable option.
I desactivated it, and activated Toggle Me, but no chance.
Just few lines to says that the addon seems not working with theme UI.X Class
The theme manage its onw collapsable option.
I desactivated it, and activated Toggle Me, but no chance.
You will have to contact the theme developer for this, but since you don't have at least PHP 5.3.6, you will have a problem with this addon.
Updated my board to 1.4.5 and my beautiful toggles are working perfect.
I love this addon my users too (y) thanks again cclaerhout
For those who have problems with some links that have strange letters added at the begin or the end of them (ie: somelink.63/%0A), I confirm it's because somewhere in your code some blank characters have been inserted at the begin or the end of the url. When the PHP dom function process to those nodes ('a' => which is an url), the attribute href (which contains the url) will be coded to guaranty a safe url: any blank space will be then converted (like for a normal url). So any blank letters you would have inserted in it, will be considered as a part of this url. Here's for the explanation of the why.

To avoid this, I've integrated a module in this addon code that will trim the href attribute content of any nodes while it's still in the dom and before it is saved in html. If you didn't understand a word of this, never mind, here's the patch:

I will release it later on XenForo.
I can confirm that the fix is working ;)

Another Suggestion I have for the Plugin.
In the xf_user Table there is a column "language_id".
Would it be possible to implement a Switch to Trigger Language Events not only on browser Settings but also on the selected language :unsure:

I can confirm that the fix is working ;)

Another Suggestion I have for the Plugin.
In the xf_user Table there is a column "language_id".
Would it be possible to implement a Switch to Trigger Language Events not only on browser Settings but also on the selected language :unsure:

The "event" is already in the official XenForo Visitor object. About this addon, I will not add any new features, but only fix bugs. If someone wants to add new feature, I have absolutely no problem with that.
Last edited:
I will not add any new features, but only fix bugs

I understand - I was testing the thing with the browser language.
Here I miss one very important thing in my point of view o_O

You can set the "fallback Language" check - but this makes all the categories open.

So why isn`t there a defined fallback switch :rolleyes:

The so called "default" language code also is not working in this case.

I give you an example.

Let`s say I have 10 Categories.
When Language "de" is detected I want to open Category 1,3,5
BUT - if ANY other language code is found I want to open Category 2,4,6,7,8,9,10

Is there a way to get this?
If not I hope you call it Bug and implement a Fallback default the user in the ACP can set :sneaky:

Because right now I would have to set 100 language codes if I wanna have a fallback from ANY language except German to English.

I really can't provide more information that the one provided in the description of the "ToggleME by Languages" options. As it is written in the first one, you can access a class if you need to extend the code.
For me also ToggleMe is a great Plugin - but the language inherident default stuff is not like I would say it should be.
Because I have seen you guys don`t understand what I am talking about - I made this Screenshot

With this Language Configuration a French browser would close ALL categories :eek:


Don`t tell me I can make the default settings for 100 Language codes :(

Everything else of this Plugin is just PERFECT!

Again, I'm going to ask you to read the explanations given in the addon options. Just in brief:
  • When you check a category in the language option, the category becomes a language category and will act accordingly to your visitor browser configuration returned by php
  • If you don't want a category to act accordingly to the visitor browser language, don't check it
  • If you want a language category to remain open if the language is not matched, there's an option for this. I think its name is pretty clear: "Fallback language - Keep language categories opened?"
  • As written in the first option of the option page, once a category is opened or closed by the user, its state will be inserted in a cookie and the user option has the priority over your settings
If the provided system doesn't match your need, feel free to update its code.

We are on XF 1.4.5, but I receive this error when trying to install the add-on - any idea what might be causing this?

Callback Sedo_ToggleME_Listener::template_create is invalid (Invalid Class).

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