[Tinhte] HTML5 Uploader (Unmaintained)

[Tinhte] HTML5 Uploader (Unmaintained) 1.0.3

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Ah right, yeah, I noticed it keeps getting blocked by chrome on all the XF sites I visit, caught me off guard a few times.

I really hope whatever HTML5 uploader that the XF team are integrating into XF 2.0 can be added to XF 1.x sometime soon.

We really need a decent native uploader, many sites are still going to be on 1.x for years to come and I can't imagine how frustrating it is for casual users who are trying to upload multiple files but can't figure it out because their new computer/browser is blocking flash.

@Chris D @Mike
There'll be a new uploader in 2.0 but we're not bringing anything like that to 1.5.

Just use this add-on for now :)
It's slightly broken :(

Will definitely keep using it for the time being though, it's the best we've got! :)

Do you not agree that perhaps something should be done about the native 1.x uploader at some point? Considering the additional (quite important) functionality added by flash it now being blocked by many browsers, and this issue will only continue to grow as older browsers lose market share?

I imagine some of the big boards will be on 1.x for at least a year or two to come, and it seems a shame they have to resort to a broken add on or pay a dev to get that native functionality back if they don't want to have to ask their users to jump through hoops and change settings in their browser and write it off completely on mobile.
Frnakly, no. The native uploader works, and for a potentially significant subset of users (iOS users) it's the only option and has been for years as there's no flash support.

At any point where the Flash uploader becomes a totally unworkable solution, it is recommended you simply turn it off globally in the options.
As it will take at least a year before we will be able to run XF2 plus addons on our site, we will need a working solution to replace the flash uploader somehow. I hope this addon gets fixed or an alternative is offered by someone.
No that's not what this addon does.
There's a bug with the addon in recent browsers .
After a quick look, I think the bug is not with plupload, but with how plupload is dealing the position of its trigger box with all xenforo html elements of the upload container (lots of span tags, the plupload box is a div tag, siblings don't seem to like it a lot). Tested a solution (wrap the xenforo upload trigger inside a div, adds a inline css property, the plupload box element is child of this div now), and with the version 3 beta, on Chrome & FF and it seems to work. I will test it again later. If the fix works, I will post it later, but will not support it. Like it has already been said in that thread, that's the XenForo developers job to code an official solution (even for 1.x branch in my opinion).
Version 1.0.3b1 - for test purpose only.

  • Plupload v3.0 beta 1
  • Template integration slightly updated to match the new names of JavaScript files
  • Test a workaround for Plupload box position issue on Chrome/XenForo
    • XenForo upload button and Plupload box (transparent) elements are nested in a new parent div tag. Css class: "xenpulp_container". If needed can be customized in the following css template:"html5uploader.css"

No support. Want a better solution for XenForo 1.x, ask that to XenForo developers.

Thanks to xfrocks for the code & to Tinhte for releasing it.


Just tested this with Chrome on iOS and it works great.

Cleared my iPhone Safari cache but it still seems to be broken there.
There is one distinct advantage this plugin has : On android when uploading pictures it allows multiple pics to be uploaded at once by pressing and holding on the first picture you want and then chosing multiple images.

Without it , you cannot do this ..
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Using Firefox for Android from here, and for some reason couldn't pick multiple images at the same time (with both built-in and third-party gallery app). Tried using the built-in file manager, but it forced me to choose only one file at a time as well.
Does this work for 1.5.13 XF and uploading multiple files?

If there's an HTML5 Uploader included with XF now... it ain't working for us. Can only upload one file at a time.
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