[TH] Monetize Pro with DFP & Affiliate Link support [Deleted]

Hi @Jake B. ,

is this Addon out of the box comaptible with AdSense responsive Ads? As I can see in the screenshots it uses an array of different resolutions and widths instead of a true responsive mode. As those responsive ads generate much more revenue on my site over static ads, this info would be a major criteria for me to hop in or leave it as now (ad responsiveness powered by lazyloaders).

Yep, you can use these ads inside this ad manager, it will accept pretty much any code you give it :)
Yep, you can use these ads inside this ad manager, it will accept pretty much any code you give it :)
May be I should have been more specific, sorry @Jake B ;)

As I can see at your demo site, you are utilizing a leaderboard on top, which is having empty spaces left and right. On my site I use a responsive ad for that and the whole width (in a UI.X funbox, resizing is done via reloads through lazyloader when it detects a width change) is used. That way it´s done on all of my ad-slots and websites. May be you have a demo site, where we can test specific things in the backend and could see how they work out in the frontend? That would be great.
May be I should have been more specific, sorry @Jake B ;)

As I can see at your demo site, you are utilizing a leaderboard on top, which is having empty spaces left and right. On my site I use a responsive ad for that and the whole width (in a UI.X funbox, resizing is done via reloads through lazyloader when it detects a width change) is used. That way it´s done on all of my ad-slots and websites. May be you have a demo site, where we can test specific things in the backend and could see how they work out in the frontend? That would be great.

We don't have an admin demo unfortunately as that would be extremely easy to abuse. for AdSense ads it just gives you a textarea that lets you throw in your AdSense code to be rendered, if you throw in responsive AdSense code (@Brogan made a thread about that here).

We don't have an admin demo unfortunately as that would be extremely easy to abuse. for AdSense ads it just gives you a textarea that lets you throw in your AdSense code to be rendered, if you throw in responsive AdSense code (@Brogan made a thread about that here).

I know Brogans post, but with the lazyloader the ad rerenders and resizes instantly when - for example - you turn the tablet or smartphone from portrait to landscape and vice-versa - but that´s going OT. Would have loved to play with it in a full demo. Heck ;)
I know Brogans post, but with the lazyloader the ad rerenders and resizes instantly when - for example - you turn the tablet or smartphone from portrait to landscape and vice-versa - but that´s going OT.

Oh, I think I see what you're saying, I'm not sure if the responsive adsense ads will resize when you rotate your phone/tablet, but that's completely dependent on the ad code, not on the ad manager, unfortunately
Does this allow adverts to be placed outside of xenforo on the same domain using an embed code?

No, this lets you position advertisements inside XenForo without editing the templates or writing your own rotation code.. With that being said, if you're loading the XenForo framework in from another place you likely can use:


Note: This has not been tested, and very well may not work.
Yeah, that jump is expected. The best option is probably to set a height using CSS and media queries. Try something along these lines:

.funzone_below_top_breadcrumb {
    height: 20px;
@media(min-width: 400px) {
    .funzone_below_top_breadcrumb {
        height: 40px;
@media(min-width: 800px) {
    .funzone_below_top_breadcrumb {
        height: 80px;

You'll need to adjust the widths and heights to fit your advertisements, but that should help a bit


Not working at all.
Would you mind opening another ticket over at audentio.com with admin details? I'll get it setup for you :)

I opened a new ticket because the fix above is not working responsively, but all you mention in the ticket is about the flash - which is not the issue. See above.

The ticket is about your fix for the flash and how it isn't working responsively.
The ticket is about your fix for the flash and how it isn't working responsively.

It seems to work fine, and there isn't any page jump:



Just read your last response to the ticket and see what you mean. You just need to mess around with the heights to get them to work properly. You had the height set higher for the below 400px width than you did for above 800px width. I think you may have just been editing the incorrect value.

I changed them on your test board to this and it seems to function as expected. However, adjusting the CSS to make ads display how you want them isn't really covered by our support. I just figure this may help other people as well:

.funzone_below_top_breadcrumb {
    height: 60px;
@media(min-width: 400px) {
    .funzone_below_top_breadcrumb {
        height: 80px;
@media(min-width: 800px) {
    .funzone_below_top_breadcrumb {
        height: 100px;
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It seems that there is no demo for the backend. I would like to purchase this product, as it seems to do what we need, however are we able to get a refund if we find it doesn't suit our needs?
Also, how much does it cost to remove the branding link at the bottom? I don't see that option in your checkout. How does one do that, from backend?
It seems that there is no demo for the backend. I would like to purchase this product, as it seems to do what we need, however are we able to get a refund if we find it doesn't suit our needs?

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer refunds on digital products.

Also, how much does it cost to remove the branding link at the bottom? I don't see that option in your checkout. How does one do that, from backend?

It is a one-time fee of $50 and you get branding removal on all Audentio Design and ThemeHouse products.
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