[TH] Monetize Pro with DFP & Affiliate Link support [Deleted]

we would want to use it so unregistered members see it but not if you are logged in

You should be able to insert your skimlinks code into an advertisement that you place into a global zone (such as header, or above content) and use the user conditionals to determine whether to show or not :)
You should be able to insert your skimlinks code into an advertisement that you place into a global zone (such as header, or above content) and use the user conditionals to determine whether to show or not :)
skimlinks code has to be in the footer i cant see an option to place an ad there
Could you create a ticket with admin details over at audentio.com so I can take a look?

Fixed it. I had this problem before but forgot.
Deferring javascript is the issue, is there something I can put in the defer blacklist to fix it? What's the .js used for this addon?
2 more questions..
can I turn off manual approval for buyers?
is it possible for the buyer to choose when the ad starts running?
Fixed it. I had this problem before but forgot.
Deferring javascript is the issue, is there something I can put in the defer blacklist to fix it? What's the .js used for this addon?

can I turn off manual approval for buyers?
I don't believe this is currently possible

is it possible for the buyer to choose when the ad starts running?
Yep, when creating the package there is an option to allow them to select the start date :)
I'm also not seeing where coupon codes are entered.

They're created in the admin panel, second to last link under 'Adveritsements'

It doesn't directly support lazy loading. However, you can input any HTML you want and load in your own lazy loading library
Hi Jake, when you have a moment can you explain the "URL" and "OVERLAY" options for keyword ads? The HTML option I get, and it's working great. But if I choose "URL" and put a url in the field, I end up with a blank spot in posts where the keyword appears.

Second, is there any way to assign the keyword to a variable? Like, if the keyword is "widgetA", then is there a variable we can use in the html like <a href="www.foo.com">$keywordvar</a>?

Last, any chance you might be able to code in a simple csv importer/exporter? Ideally, we're going to have a list of hundreds of keywords to link to skus in our online store. Managing a list this big becomes tedious without a csv import option :)

Thanks, love the product!
I just installed this and my total use is with either adsense, amazon or similar js type of code.
I created a new ad on the sidebar and pasted the js in the "html" box. Everything took and saved. No ads show up but i will wait a while and see if it's a cache delay.

1. When I enter than new ad screen, both of those status messages (top of enclosed graphic) show - is that normal? It would seem they shouldn't show until I attempt to do something....

2. What the heck is that link message at the bottom about? - clear as mud. I would think that this whole thing would be as simple as pasting in the JS.


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