[TH] Monetize Pro with DFP & Affiliate Link support [Deleted]

I'm getting this same issue reported back in 2016:

I have an advertiser wanting to use keywords which point a URL to his site but they all get replaced with blanks. The HTML output looks like this:

test for <a href="https://samplesite.com" class="keywordReplace"></a>

Hi Jake, when you have a moment can you explain the "URL" and "OVERLAY" options for keyword ads? The HTML option I get, and it's working great. But if I choose "URL" and put a url in the field, I end up with a blank spot in posts where the keyword appears.
Bump... I could really use some help with this, I have a client waiting on setting up keyword links for them. Thanks.
Found the solution. If you cannot get the URL replacement type to work, select HTML instead. Then, to make it respect upper/lowercase in words, use the following as the HTML replacement:

<a href="https://samplesite.com" class="keywordReplace">\0</a>

The \0 will get the captured keyword from the Addon's regular expression parser and place that in as the link text respecting upper/lowercase. Replace "samplesite" with the destination URL you want to use.
Its no problem, your help in the support ticket system on your site got me pointed in the right direction! I suspect the URL link version of replace is probably getting messed up by another addon I have, but this method is easier than trying to hunt down which one.

To anyone who wants a fast response, use their system. TH responded very quickly there. :) Thumbs up!
Just upgraded from 2.1.0 to the latest version (2.3.3) and now getting a ton of these errors in my Xenforo AdminCP.

The forum index and thread listings all continue to load, but when I view a thread I get a blank white page. Disabling this addon allows all pages to load correctly.

Error Info

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'Audentio_AdManager_Extend_XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread' not found - library/XenForo/Application.php(528) : eval()'d code:1
Generated By: Unknown Account, 6 minutes ago

Stack Trace

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Just upgraded from 2.1.0 to the latest version (2.3.3) and now getting a ton of these errors in my Xenforo AdminCP.

The forum index and thread listings all continue to load, but when I view a thread I get a blank white page. Disabling this addon allows all pages to load correctly.

Error Info

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'Audentio_AdManager_Extend_XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread' not found - library/XenForo/Application.php(528) : eval()'d code:1
Generated By: Unknown Account, 6 minutes ago

Stack Trace

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
@Mike Creuzer - any ideas?
Hiya, if any of you have any special features in mind for Monetize Pro in XF2.0. Please do post it on our GitHub Issue Tracker: https://github.com/Audentio/xfaddon-issues/issues
Is there an upgrade to 2.0 planned and if so, is there an ETA on availability.
Are you planning to offer XF2 version of this Add-On?
I would also like to know this please, and if so a rough timeline?
Guess they are quite busy atm, meanwhile please check this:
The more votes, the higher chance of someone wanting to develope it ;)
This is something we are planning on porting over to XF2 I believe but no official ETA yet. We will keep everyone updated :)
Like many others, I'll need this before I can move to XF2. Honestly I'm a little surprised it hasn't yet been made available, hope to hear some good news soon.
I couldn't find any docs on the template conditionals. Can I use it to target ads for specific subforums? What is the conditional variable I'd use?
The slow response times here for support make me nervous about purchasing this for my big board. Are they any better at responding quickly via tickets on their website?
The slow response times here for support make me nervous about purchasing this for my big board. Are they any better at responding quickly via tickets on their website?
Try Siropu's Ad Manager. Tried both. No comparison. Plus Siropu has great support...
Hi - any update if there is any ETA on when this will be ported to XF 2? Really would like to use this when we switch from XF 1


@Mike Creuzer @Dalton Prock
At this time we have no plans to rebuild this. What made the product interesting and unique was it's ability to pass data directly back to Google, but the rest was just an editor for managing ads. The best tool that I think people should use in it's place is: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ads-manager-2-by-siropu.6153/ by @Siropu

We are building some other monetization tools, but an ad manager is not one of them.
At this time we have no plans to rebuild this. What made the product interesting and unique was it's ability to pass data directly back to Google, but the rest was just an editor for managing ads. The best tool that I think people should use in it's place is: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ads-manager-2-by-siropu.6153/ by @Siropu

We are building some other monetization tools, but an ad manager is not one of them.

Thanks for the info - that's too bad because I was using this plugin just for the interface with DFP - I went and switched over everything to DFP - device targeting, geo targeting and some other criteria a couple months ago, which took me a while to do. After looking around in the discussion thread, I'm not certain that the plugin you linked supports DFP the same way, which is disappointing since I would have to do all my implementation over again.

I'm a big fan of a lot of functionality you guys are creating, and have continued to support those efforts, but sad to hear this might be a hurdle for me.

Thanks for the info - that's too bad because I was using this plugin just for the interface with DFP - I went and switched over everything to DFP - device targeting, geo targeting and some other criteria a couple months ago, which took me a while to do. After looking around in the discussion thread, I'm not certain that the plugin you linked supports DFP the same way, which is disappointing since I would have to do all my implementation over again.

I'm a big fan of a lot of functionality you guys are creating, and have continued to support those efforts, but sad to hear this might be a hurdle for me.

I appreciate that support for sure. We get hired out to often that we haven't had time to develop a mass amount of products and utilities. We have been focusing on a smaller suite that we aim to have work perfectly and seamlessly towards the goal of higher user conversions, optimal user experience, and monetization strategy. We are calling it UI.X Pro and we are going to with a single suite of tools for XenForo. This will be getting all our attention for the foreseeable future as it is what we are best at.
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