Tag Essentials [Deleted]

@Xon Why browsers console errors being logged when disabling listeners via /library/config.php?

"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - /tags/pics/preview"
Updated yesterday and for some reason it prevented me to change the ad_above_content template. At first saving the template would not work and after it did save the new template but nothing changed (banner with link)

Edit: this was from something else.

Correction, had this again when trying to save a new banner.. Disabled tag essentials and then it changed front end at once without saving the template again.

Before the latest update of the add-on i did not have this problem.
After upgrading from 1.7.1 to the latest release, the auto-tagging on thread create doesn't work anymore. Any ideas?
tags do not have <meta name="description" content="???"/>
how do I fill in a description from the wiki?

<meta name="description" content="wiki description"/>
tags do not have <meta name="description" content="???"/>
how do I fill in a description from the wiki?
On the page
@Stuart Wright Are you give update for XF2 ? If so no then Please let me know that this add-on database table name?
Came here to ask this..

And other question for the users of this addon:

Does this addon actually help you guys bringing visitors from google ?? Im about to exclude the tags from my XML but this addon might bring a solution for them.
Just bought it... Fast question: Is there some way to merge one tag to other two tags??

Sample: I have MANY case of double words like "Blue Ball", "blueball", "ball Blue"

I want to slipt and merge them into two different tags: blue, ball.. So the selected prefix would have two tags instead of one.
This addon will be converted to XF2?
what will be the price for existing customers (addon for xf1)?
Just bought it... Fast question: Is there some way to merge one tag to other two tags??

Sample: I have MANY case of double words like "Blue Ball", "blueball", "ball Blue"

I want to slipt and merge them into two different tags: blue, ball.. So the selected prefix would have two tags instead of one.

I just had an idea.. @Xon you are the currently developer of this addon, right? Could you help me building a query for that ?

select threads with tags "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" and insert "tag 4", "tag 5" on them.

With this, I will be able to simply delete "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" later and all fine :)
You can't use a simple SQL query for that as there is a pile of other bits & pieces. Sadly this add-on doesn't do bulk merging
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