Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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I did not know you could "transfer" games to other people on Steam.

I guess things have changed a lot indeed since I last really used Steam, myself.

(If you still want to unload a few I'd not pass them up. ;) )
PM me your Steam user name if you like as well as the style of games and I will see what I can do... :)
Creating a navigation tab and some routes are in the works for an upcoming release. This will allow the public to access those stats. (y)

Glad to hear everything is working well too, don't forget to rate and review.
I am having a stupid moment... :rolleyes: I installed the update and when I click the nav bar it takes me to
However I do not have a /steam directory. What am I missing?

I manually edited the link to
and it worked fine...
Looks like something to do with not using friendly urls (and my coding).

Here's a link to get you setup correctly:

In the mean time, I'll see what I can do to accommodate that for anyone else that don't use them.

EDIT: Fixed 3 of them, just need to fix the main steam tab now.
how would you go about moving the steam message box into the signature of a message instead of the top right? Would make everything just work better on my end and it would look better. I know its the steam_message_content template but what do I change from there?

how would you go about moving the steam message box into the signature of a message instead of the top right? Would make everything just work better on my end and it would look better. I know its the steam_message_content template but what do I change from there?


Might have to make a new template hook for that.
So glad to see someone working on this! I'm still on the very old Steam Login / Custom User Field combo that DarkImmortal made, no API or anything so it fails often. I definitely plan on moving over to this, but before I do I was hoping you could confirm this method of transferring over:

I'm not sure if that's still accurate / working with your new version of this addon.

Also, is it possible to pull their Steam ID's in addition to the SteamID64? I know throwing {$visitor.steam_auth_id} will return the steamid64, but is there anything I can use that will display their normal Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:123245), as it does in the ACP steam users list? Just curious.

Thanks for any insight you can provide and thanks so much for taking the time to work on this and share it with the XF community!
So glad to see someone working on this! I'm still on the very old Steam Login / Custom User Field combo that DarkImmortal made, no API or anything so it fails often. I definitely plan on moving over to this, but before I do I was hoping you could confirm this method of transferring over:

I'm not sure if that's still accurate / working with your new version of this addon.

It should still work. I never changed anything with the MySQL entries that this addon makes.

Also, is it possible to pull their Steam ID's in addition to the SteamID64? I know throwing {$visitor.steam_auth_id} will return the steamid64, but is there anything I can use that will display their normal Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:123245), as it does in the ACP steam users list? Just curious.

Thanks for any insight you can provide and thanks so much for taking the time to work on this and share it with the XF community!

SteamID64 is interchangeable with Steam IDs with a little bit of math (as you see with those MySQL functions in the post you linked). Although, digging through the code of the addon I found the helper that also does this math in PHP. However, I don't think there's a listener configured for it. I may have to create one so it can be used in templates.
It should still work. I never changed anything with the MySQL entries that this addon makes.
Ah excellent, glad I have a green light on this now. Hopefully it works without issue.

SteamID64 is interchangeable with Steam IDs with a little bit of math (as you see with those MySQL functions in the post you linked). Although, digging through the code of the addon I found the helper that also does this math in PHP. However, I don't think there's a listener configured for it. I may have to create one so it can be used in templates.
That would be really great! I currently use Steam ID's in various areas of my site, it's what users are used to and it's what we've always used for record keeping, paypal, and the like, so being able to continue with that would be the icing on the cake with this migration to your addon.

Also, do you take donations? Couldn't find anything but perhaps I'm blind.

That would be really great! I currently use Steam ID's in various areas of my site, it's what users are used to and it's what we've always used for record keeping, paypal, and the like, so being able to continue with that would be the icing on the cake with this migration to your addon.

SteamID conversion like this? ;)

Look Ma', no hands! (only a helper w/ a listener). Called in a template with {xen:helper steamid, $value}

ex. {xen:helper steamid, $user.steam_auth_id}
Well if it was added into the addon that would be great :D

Might be a little harder than first realized. Signatures don't have their own hook, so it may take awhile to code something to edit the php correctly. If you'd like to manually hack your template for now:

Template: Message

<xen:if is="{$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature}">
<div class="baseHtml signature ugc{xen:if $message.isIgnored, ' ignored'}"><aside>{xen:raw $message.signatureHtml}</aside></div>

Replace with:
<xen:if is="{$message.steam_auth_id} > 0 && {$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature}">
<div class="baseHtml signature ugc{xen:if $message.isIgnored, ' ignored'}"><aside>{xen:raw $message.signatureHtml}<br><div class="steamprofile" style="width: 300px;" title="{$message.steam_auth_id}"></div></aside></div>
<xen:elseif is="{$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature} && {$message.steam_auth_id} <= 0" />
<div class="baseHtml signature ugc{xen:if $message.isIgnored, ' ignored'}"><aside>{xen:raw $message.signatureHtml}</aside></div>
<xen:elseif is="{$message.steam_auth_id} > 0" />
<div class="baseHtml signature ugc{xen:if $message.isIgnored, ' ignored'}"><aside><div class="steamprofile" style="width: 300px;" title="{$message.steam_auth_id}"></div></aside></div>
<xen:else />

This may differ from what style you are using. So YMMV. It did work in my case.

haha yes! That's exactly what I need! :D

Definitely going to migrate over once I can utilize this. Really appreciate your time/work, thanks!

I'll probably release it within the next 24 hours. I've already pushed the changes to GitHub on the master branch.
HowIChrgeLazer updated Steam Authentication & Integration with a new update entry:

Version 1.1.3 Changelog

* Added steamid helper to convert SteamID64 to SteamID. Called in a template with {xen:helper steamid, $value}

Example use here:

Side Note
If I'm spamming you guys with resource updates, I do apologize. I want to make sure you guys get the latest (tested) features and fulfilled requests. This addon has been dormant for awhile and I wanted to get it back up to speed as quickly as possible. :)

Read the rest of this update entry...
If I'm spamming you guys with resource updates, I do apologize. I want to make sure you guys get the latest (tested) features and fulfilled requests. This addon has been dormant for awhile and I wanted to get it back up to speed as quickly as possible.

I can't speak for everyone else, but I will speak for myself when I say.... This is a non issue for me. I admire your willingness to freely provide this to everyone with the most up to date modifications and fixes as possible.

I find a lot of developers, although good and productive, normally do put off on releases.... Which can be sometimes a problem having to wait for X, Y, Z, while suffering from 1,2,3 & being told there is already an non-release fix .... But you're still waiting because someone wants X, Y, Z to be squeezed in.

With you that's not a problem. And you're seemingly very eager to help and quick to patch everything as you resolve things (next to real-time). This is actually preferred (in my opinion).
I can't speak for everyone else, but I will speak for myself when I say.... This is a non issue for me. I admire your willingness to freely provide this to every with the most up to date modifications and fixes as possible.

I find a lot of developers, although good and productive, normally do put off on releases.... Which can be sometimes a problem having to wait for X, Y, Z, while suffering from 1,2,3 & being told there is already an non-release fix .... But you're still waiting because someone wants X, Y, Z to be squeezed in.

With you that's not a problem. And you're seemingly very eager to help and quick to patch everything as you resolve things (next to real-time). This is actually preferred (in my opinion).
Additionally he commits the changes to github before a release. I was able to snag the latest version and toy around with it before he was ready to officially release it. Didn't have to wait if I didn't want to, could potentially provide feedback in the event of finding a bug the new code causes before he releases it, and could also check if he made any further commits prior to the release to ensure I still had the latest installed. Love being able to see what changes were made easily too.
I am getting an error when installing the addon. I previously had the other Steam Authentication addon installed, so I'm wondering if that is what causing the issue. It says

Server Error

Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate column name 'game_hours_recent'

Then procedes to give several numbers with "lines" at which I'm guessing there are errors. Not really sure why it is doing this though. It is after I have uploaded the files to the server and when I am attempting to install the .xml file. Any help is appreciated.
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