Thanks for updating this, I seem to have always been too distracted to get back to the work on it! Looks good, I'll have to poke around in it a bit in the future.
Not a problem, I know how that can be. Feel free to work off this edited version anytime to help improve it. Thanks for working on this originally, it's been a great tool.
So I delved into settings and such and it seems that it was related to the profile permission settings within Steam. I am not sure which ones were causing the issue but I set my profile to all public and it updated the data. Working very nice now.
Hidden profile will do it. XML data isn't available for people who don't have their profile data public.
Bug after language change
I changed language on row 15 in js/steam/ajax/steamprofile.xml to german. After that, it stucks on my profile page steam badge at "Lade.." (german word for "Loading..").
Looks like it doesn't have profile_ visibilities set in the javascript. Found the bug and fixed. Will be rolled out in 1.1.0 (the file changes are already committed to github as of this post). If possible, I need German translation for the following words: Offline, Online, Busy, Away, Snooze, In-Game.
If anybody would like to translate into other languages, that would be great as well. Right now it only has English, part German, and part Portuguese (missing the same words above as German is).
The phases I need are (German, and Portuguese already have this translated):
"This user has not yet set up their Steam Community profile."
"This profile is private."
"Invalid profile data."
"Join Game"
"Add to Friends"
"View TF2 Backpack"
I also need the translations for these statuses:
Offline, Online, Busy, Away, Snooze, In-Game
Steam Profile Badge should be also optionally (new setting in options) viewable in User-Overlay (the default xenforo user overlay is showing, when clicking on a username/avatar in postings of a thread). Cause I don't want to show badge in postings and if a user wants to shortly view if the other user is in steam game/online, he doesn't have to click twice through to the profile, a short overlay-look can give the information too.
This one may require a little tweaking and time. I tried implementing it into the member card in 1.0.9 before I released it. The way it loads in the overlay, it won't actually trigger the steamprofile javascript. I'll see what I can do about making it work. It's the same bug as quick reply.