XF 2.3 Spam got through


Active member

Just had a registration (used gmail) and post as shown in the screenshot.
What actions can I take to defend the forum ?


stop forum spam catches a lot on the site i am admin on during registration.
it also catches a lot on the site i am staff on.
he gets a lot more traffic than i do.
Sure wish there was a way to just check them at the door. Like, don't even let em register. Don't even let em create an account but think they did.
I've got a handful of plugins from Ozzy/Painbreaker and Xon installed. I get 1000 new registrations a month, usually one spammer sneaks thru and a couple scammers find their way in, the balance are handled with the plugins. There IS still some Admin work in the Approval Que every day for those that trigger the "moderate" settings.
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