sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

Hence one photo upload, auto resize, member has a gallery - simplicity at its best...I'm not sure how the owners of this add on are coping with the file sizes this add on creates. It eats up HUGE amounts if disc space. Ouch!
Hmmm... I just bought this plugin and paid for a custom import script and somehow missed the disk space issue. I am looking to import 63k photos which take up 7 gigs of space in Photopost vB Gallery. Is this plugin going to triple the storage space?

Also, now that I'm getting ready to import my old gallery into an imported vB test database I realize I don't remember what the Import Log Table Name was at the end of the vB import that I did. How would I go about finding that now? Where is that log stored?
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Hmmm... I just bought this plugin and paid for a custom import script and somehow missed the disk space issue. I am looking to import 63k photos which take up 7 gigs of space in Photopost vB Gallery. Is this plugin going to triple the storage space?

Also, now that I'm getting ready to import my old gallery into an imported vB test database I realize I don't remember what the Import Log Table Name was at the end of the vB import that I did. How would I go about finding that now? Where is that log stored?
Just go to your ACP > tools > Import external data then there is a drop down menu there with your table information. (back up data base and files before import.)
Hmmm... I just bought this plugin and paid for a custom import script and somehow missed the disk space issue. I am looking to import 63k photos which take up 7 gigs of space in Photopost vB Gallery. Is this plugin going to triple the storage space?

Also, now that I'm getting ready to import my old gallery into an imported vB test database I realize I don't remember what the Import Log Table Name was at the end of the vB import that I did. How would I go about finding that now? Where is that log stored?
Sorry - I no longer use this gallery.
Come to think of it - anyone else import from Photopost vB Gallery 2.5? Any issues? Anything I need to know?
I have just imported 90k photos from vB Gallery to XenGallery without any issue.
Hmmm... I just bought this plugin and paid for a custom import script and somehow missed the disk space issue. I am looking to import 63k photos which take up 7 gigs of space in Photopost vB Gallery. Is this plugin going to triple the storage space?
XenGallery will increase the total size because it stores in 4 different sizes to improve user's experience and faster on loading.
Also, now that I'm getting ready to import my old gallery into an imported vB test database I realize I don't remember what the Import Log Table Name was at the end of the vB import that I did. How would I go about finding that now? Where is that log stored?
It depends on the name you saved after your import has been completed. Usually it is archive_import_log if you did not change it.
Sorry - I no longer use this gallery.
It hurts me :(
I started the import last night... I keep running into a "No Data" screen. I reload the page and it continues the import. It's taking a long time.
So after the import I now understand what the message at the top meant about everything showing up under "my" albums. I didn't use albums in Photopost vB Gallery. To view all the categories I had set up in vB Gallery, users will have to navigate to my album (which was auto created by the import script), which makes it look like I'm the owner of the photos. The whole category navigation structure is now completely thrown off. When you click on the Gallery link in the top navbar, you're taken to a page that says there are no albums to display. When you hover over the Categories menu, you see all the categories I had set up in the old system, but when you click any of the categories you're get a "no albums to display" page. The users would have to search for my username specifically to find my album to see all of the photos that were imported. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to configure/modify this to work similar to the way it used to in vB Gallery - where I set up categories and users uploaded photos to those categories. The users won't understand the way this is set up now - I don't know how to work with it.

Here's my old photo gallery:

How do I modify the imported data structure so that users can navigate photos and categories similar to the way it was set up before? Should I reimport a different way? Or am I just screwed?
How do I modify the imported data structure so that users can navigate photos and categories similar to the way it was set up before? Should I reimport a different way? Or am I just screwed?
You won't be able to duplicate it 100% the way you had it in vBGallery. In vBGallery you could upload images to categories and also have child-categories within the same parent category (so a category contained both uploads & child categories). XG does not allow uploads to categories, only to albums, and albums don't support a parent-child relationship, they can only be children of categories.
So I'm basically screwed... I guess I could hard link all the navigation to point to the categories under my album. But then all the new photos uploaded by members would show up in different areas.
So I'm basically screwed... I guess I could hard link all the navigation to point to the categories under my album. But then all the new photos uploaded by members would show up in different areas.
When I did my vBGallery to XG import I ended up running the import as a generic user name and then flattening all of my categories to eliminate child categories and have all of the albums directly under a single parent categories. I then have the imported albums set security wise to allow anybody (well, registered members at least) to upload to them. The end result is that I still have some categories but no child categories. For example, instead of Sci-Fi being a category with Battlestar Galactica being a child category that allowed images to be upload into and also some child categories under Battlestar Galactica (eg: Sci-Fi => Battlestar Galactica => Models), now it is just Sci-Fi (category) with Battlestar Galactica (album) under it.

It took some patience because the importer creates an album for any vBGallery category that allowed uploads so I ended up with a bunch of albums with the same names as categories and if I was to leave all of the same categories that I had before then the user would've been easily several category layers deep before getting to an album they could upload to.

In short.... XenGallery places emphasis on user albums like a social network would while, for comparison, XenMediaGallery places emphasis on categories in a more traditional "gallery" configuration.
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