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sonnb XenGallery 2.x to XenForo Media Gallery 2.1.x 1.0.1

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I commented out part of the code on the xf_reaction import and the import went through fine.
I Try to import our old xen gallery data from data/photos but I only become a:

The directory /var/www/vhosts/ does not contain the expected contents.

Message. Whats wrong? Inside data/photos exist certain folders like l, m, o and s - so what is the problem?


Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.23 to 2.2.6 PL1
I Try to import our old xen gallery data from data/photos but I only become a:

Message. Whats wrong? Inside data/photos exist certain folders like l, m, o and s - so what is the problem?

View attachment 254876

Upgrade from Xenforo 1.5.23 to 2.2.6 PL1
Create a folder called “attachments” inside “data”, or upload a regular attachment to a post and it’ll get auto-generated. We had the same issue and it was just that this folder hasn’t been created by XF yet.
The folder attachments exists (with many sub folders) and is writable (I can upload attachments). But the error still is the same.

Other Ideas? @Chris D


  • 1626688380508.webp
    33.3 KB · Views: 8
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Next stone at the way to import: After step 2 I become this:

I will try a new run - have I to delete some things bevor the next try?
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Yep... this was the jumping point (not activated). I Think a litle FAQ would be nice for this. For me it runs now and imports tousends (around 22.000) of pictures...
Thanks again. :)
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I've done a test import from Son's XenGallery to XFMG and in some of the galleries many of the thumbnails aren't orientated correctly.

When I load the full image in the lightbox it is orientated correctly.

I tried downloading one of these images and uploading it here and the thumbnail seems to be oriented correctly.

Could it be that some orientation data didn't carry across with the import?
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