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  • If you don't mind my asking, what happened that caused you to go to the hospital?
    Thanks. :)
    How are you doing?
    Funny, I just got back from the hospital again a few days ago, A klebsiella infection flared up- may well have been in my system since the original hospitalization or a subsequent one. Feeling better now though I'm home again.
    My problem is everytime I look at that example mod by Lawrence it looks like a ton of work to even do the most simplest thing.
    Adam Howard
    Adam Howard
    vBulletin add-ons depend more on the core. Which gets you off to a nice start, but in many ways is limited. With XenForo you can made add-ons using its core, but also making your own. So you have more play room.
    * pulls out pocket watch * *swings back and forth * You're getting sleepy. Very sleepy. When I snap my fingers, you will have the sudden urge to port over your cool add-ons. * snap *
    The chance is bettee this week then it was last week but still small overall. But trending in the right direction. We'll see I guess.
    Jedi Mind Trick: You will play a more active role in XenForo and port over some of your cool things into XenForo

    Not a Star Wars fan? OK....

    Vulcan mind meld: You will play a more active role in XenForo and port over some of your cool things into XenForo
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