So what would you like to see next at XenForo?

A central donation/subscription system that could be used mainly to the benefit of coders/addon creators.
If there was a pot of say $200 a month collected , members could vote on the best or most helpful adddon and a monthly payout prize given to the creator.
Another idea would be to give a prize to the best supported / updated addon creator..

If a larger amount was collected in by subscriptions , maybe a 3rd party coder could be invited to create some of the more requested addons , ie; a fully functional CMS as this seems to be the most popular feature request..

I am sure the powers that be could expand upon this idea and maybe come up with some other incentives along the way...

Personally I think having something like this will stimulate activity among 3rd party coders and more likely to keep their interest if their is even a small financial goal and recognition at the end of each month...

+1 for a better suggestions system!

1. it's very hard to find similar requests, that's why there are so many duplicates
2. it would be nice, to have at least some "yes,no,maybe" indicators or like @RobParker said in his post... "where xf is going in the next months"
Sorry, you referred to not listing individual features so i thought it'd be ok. My suggestion was more to do with the general direction KAM thought XF was going in. Not a list of "1.3 will have X,Y, Z" but more like "we think XF should focus on X and see that as a priority in the near future".
I want HYS videos for XF 1.3 from @Kier .

PS: By the way, why do they call it 'Have You Seen?' . The answer's always going to be 'No'. :censored:
The sub-forum started when the first version was already running here and people were just discovering XF's features, at that time it made sense. They could rename it to XenForo Showcase. Definitely miss the videos as well.
Better bug tracker and feature requests for xenforo and for addon listings in the resource manager. It should be really easy to see how many open bugs an addon has and which feature requests have been made. Now we need to wade through a massive amount of pages and this will only get more.
The same goes for repeatedly asked questions, which we need to try find in the resource discussion thread, while the developer needs to answer the same thing.
An open question, and i'm talking in broader terms than anything to do with the software.

For example,

A XenForo meetup / convention
More XenForo-oriented hosts
Leased Licenses
Some "behind the scenes" content

To name just a few... but, throw them out there... lets see what happens...

Off Road map
Googlemap to a roadmap
Googlemap within a googlemap to a roadmap.
x marks the spot kind of map.

TBH I'm with Azhria on this, as long as the forum is being developed it's all good.
XenForoWorld, San Francisco 2013. Keynote speech delivered by Mike and Kier, announcing the features in XF 1.3, streamed in HD around the world...
I think a meet up is a great idea! However, I'd like to vote for a southern California location, specifically:

Embassy Suites Los Angeles - International Airport/south
1440 E Imperial Ave, El Segundo, CA .

They should be able to accommodate a xenForo meet up as they have more than 12 flexible function spaces with room for 500 attendees.
People could just fly into LAX and it would be a very short hop to the Embassy Suites.
It's centrally located and gosh, you never know who you might run into! :whistle:
We could even schedule a 'walk about' and check out some tech companies in the area. ;)
I would like to see a casual/funny video of Mike+Kier.
Both guys showing up together in the same video...... playing PingPong, Badminton, walking barefeet in a restaurant, etc.

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An open question, and i'm talking in broader terms than anything to do with the software.

For example,

A XenForo meetup / convention
More XenForo-oriented hosts
Leased Licenses
Some "behind the scenes" content

To name just a few... but, throw them out there... lets see what happens...

I'd be there for a convention. In fact, I'd volunteer my time to help organize it if it's something the XF team would be behind.

As far as what I'd really like to see, though, that would be a nicely done cms/portal like Xenporta but more well done.
As long as KAM are dedicated to the project and are honest and open about everything*, I don't think there's much more one could ask for.

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